.....and leaves us speechless!
Friday, December 28, 2007
Now it is attack on me by others who make damage for Endogn.Mettler and Reichcrap on me and make me to stop my greatest legacy of operations now I am no good, to them , to ISEG and to the world? It's all a big lie to try to scare patients to come to Germany EndoGyn for adhesiolysis procedures.YOU ARE LIES! 25 % of our patients are international, whereas most of them coming from US. 75 % of the patients are from Germany.98 % are coming via the Internet It is becua e I am best in surgery with gasless and I will take more patients for better surgery then they. Most Drs are jeliues of me and my work, the greatest work ever, and they fear me. Everyone now tris to make my name as the losing surgeon, but I know what I an and great thingsdo, and will do again! I know my work. They and Stortz knew manytings were wrong and they makewant me to make them money and I try my best to not do what they ask of me, wich is tyo make money for their pockets, alwyws for their pocklets and drinking, and they wat to make me bad for their names only.I know about them and what ideas they take of mine to make them great, this will not work they are crap and cheatrsand they amek fruad never me.Where before there was horor and suffering, now Igivethey joy and happiness ! the oneswho are trying to get details aboutmy surgery from our patients incontct list. First they write a little bla, bla, soI say staywhere you belong and keep quiet...They are intelligent enough to play games like this and tocollect data about my surgeries, but they can't count 1+1 together, as the results, if they get information, would be falseas sowhytry if they say it is false. They are false. As the Internet became more and more a "global" torrent of hatred for meandmygreatwork. Many other dr,s mzake me victim by usieng of the sites which are spreading hate and lies over the internet. They all fear me becuase there is no other surgeon opening his books and showing imageshis adhesiolysisworks, it is easy to choose from thousands of pictures at EndoGyn's library and my concept of Lift-Laparoscopic adhesiolysis with SprayGel works...the false surgeonslike Mettler and Harry Reichplease behave nice and don't collect false statistics about me to lie,I must say well they are trying hard to keep truthofmy work What a way to try to make elephants from a fly... without a real research !!! This is the way of the lirs who make money by my great works! Everone surerealize thatI built for every item (adhesions, fibroids, endometriosis, hysterectomy, adnexal tumors and so on) an own website, that can be reached via endogyn.com or itself, like adhesions.de, fibroids.de endometriosis.de, hysterectomy.de...agreat legacy.we have everyday 6000 - 9000 hits on ALL the websites ! It enough that Idedication my life to work Iwas in contact with Dr. Oleg Avrutis in JerusaleI found out thait was NEVER te actual Abdo-Lift was not good so I mustto had designed a new one that will make chage for my good work! Storz cheat me out of my money and my good works!Bythe wai I onlystopsomeoperationsto avoid the wicked ones to continue to trouble me with crap, Inot just relaxing as I'm a workoholic tocontinue my work and that proves what I always sayand whereas others Dr's like Mettler and Reichsay"no more surgery" as they don't have th correct toolsand techniqeu, they fear my great works. They see in my web site many thinsg like this to reda, Anyway, thesucess rats of the EndoGyn procedurespeks for itself and so thesurgeons(and those behind them) have no chance to stop international patients searching surgery with a successful surgical concept at the EndoGyn adhesion centers.See here of my redocnition by US scientits,Last weekend we had REAL scientists here from US and Confluent and we went over my data and pictures. After viewing all the data and applying some statistics: the conclusion was, that there is no better treatment for adhesions than at EndoGyn at this time and that, even taking the worsest cases, EndoGyn's reduction in adhesions scores is 91 % at the second-look.Thanks to this REAL scientists, leaving others, who who might think they are scientists, but actually killing scientific progress, far behind ...Regards--------------------Daniel Kruschinski, MDEndoGyn.com, Adhesions.de, Hysterectomy.de, Fibroids.de, Endometriosis.de, Lift-laparoscopy.com© by EndoGyn Ltd.More proof from my webp site of jelouscy of me can be foundhere first my firends now my enemy!Greatings from Buenos Aires Argentina from the Annual Congress of the International Society for gynecologic Endoscopy. A very short message for your information. I will write more about the very successfull congress after returning back to Germany in the end of this week. Hereby I would like to announce that Harry Reich, Mario Malzoni and myself will perform surgery in Cayman Island. Patients will have the opportunity of gasless and gas laparoscopy with the surgeon of their choice.Combining techniques ARD patients will benefit from all the advantages of the techniques that are available.The enormous experience of the surgeons will provide the patients with the best surgical option they can get for adhesiolysis and the longest experience with SprayGel !As Cayman Islands had only very few surgeries performed there until now, we are setting a new procedure protocolls, also about the cost. The treatment there is more expensive as in Germany with EndoGyn. We have around 150 international patients a year and the cost are always the same, so we know exactly how and what to do to maintain good quality on every level (hospital, surgery, outpatients facilities and social structure).We will establish similar infrastructure to the Caymans. Harry Reich, Dr. Berry and I were sitting on that already. It will be also a close (surgical) cooperation to increase success rates. Harry Reich knows of the quality of our adhesiolysis and is even refering some of the difficult cases to EndoGyn himself.EndoGyn is meanwhile an organization that provides patients with the best surgeons in some special fields. Some are operating on regular basis (Prof. Goeschen), others (Harry Reich and Prof. Mettler) occasionally. Some more specialists will join EndoGyn soon. Those surgeons leave EndoGyn all the organisation of a surgery and all actions and interactions between patients and EndoGyn, until a schedule is finalisedThere are few important points, that arise. To set a date for surgery needs the reservation of the surgeon, assistant surgeon, hospital beds, operating theatre, nurses, ward, awaking room, follow-up nurses and many other aspects. In the very begining of EndoGyn, some patients cancelled the surgery few days prior to surgery which caused enormous cost and frustration for all. Thus why a prepayment was set-up. If the surgeon has to fly in (like Harry Reich) a flight has to be organized. For each surgeon there is a huge time effort to perform surgery in other places and to leave his own place alone.--------------------Daniel Kruschinski, MDEndoGyn.com, Adhesions.de, Hysterectomy.de, Fibroids.de, Endometriosis.de, Lift-laparoscopy.com© by EndoGyn Ltd.more proof from myweb sitFor those reading the “to bad to be true” - slander sites about m just some information: The slanderous campaign, started 2003 via the Internet, broke down all the infrastructure that was built-up for international patients since 2000 in Seligenstadt and ruined myself financially and so destroyed the possibilities for many patients to find help in effective surgery. They might have taken all my financial ressources, they might have destroyed many things I was working for and also many relations-ships I had in the past, but they can’t take my knowledge, my hands and my brain. Basically their agenda, that started 2003 on the www.adhesions.org website and they were out to destroy me, basically failed. I didn’t do anything bad or criminal, I only (because of them) made bankrupt.During the ISGE congress 2005 in London on endoscopic surgery I had the opportunity to meet with a wise scientist and to explain him the concept of gasless surgery... ISGE need me, Storz owemoney tomme, and so they soonhear from my attoernye to coleect my money! No one can to stop me, iambest and greatest ever!That is what he said about me: I am geneus and only genius understands me!
Posted by victimsofStorz at 5:12 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 17, 2007
Truth aboutabodlift
Storz Abdolift Co.was most succesful äs in my hands and sybill your not smart enogh to see how you had the greatest surgeon in the world, so you’re the most dumb oneon left on earth. I know the Storz companyu is not making good money aymore but I will make micu because I have invented by own lift for my succeful surgerys. Poor patiets of mine like Peckie, are victims of Storz co. because they are liars and criminals and only use my excellence to get them money.Storz is crazy and do not pay my way to conference in Kathmandu, where I ahve a lecture about Lift laparoscopy to around 300 gynecologic surgeons from Nepal. INDIA INDIA INDIA!!!!!!While I invested 1.2 Mio Euros in all the Infrastruicture in Seligenstadt, and inall the 7 flats I had on longe contracts were to pay and no help nomoney from Storz who I was slave for.. I was struggeling r 2 years but than had to give up all the expensive infrastructure in Seligenstadt away and storz never came to help, they make me a victim because I do not make them money so now I am nothing to them.. I do not need Storz and now I operate in hospitals, we have SprayGel and the surgery is even better than before with SprayGel , so worldwide THE BEST and higheste number of patients treated with SprayGel and my lift laporoscopy and gass-less techniwue. ! Endogyn will live for long longtime for me for my sons and for my work I create my legacy with Karl Storz Co. Who needs them.Don't even make yous concern about this slander, Sybill as it is true words ands there is no concern for me or to have any influence in my surgical work. Ypu are the loser.You are hate for my patients and your are jelousy for your no good drunker son who only takes your money and no deserving!
Posted by victimsofStorz at 1:30 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
endogynversesStorzz I willWIN!
Sybill You should really be aware that I'm trying to change the concept ofadhesilysis surgery tobean effecive one (GASLESS!!! and SprayGel has in my hands more than 98 % success !!!) and so to help sufferer to get read of sugeriesevery year again and again.The newest results of myexperimental studies show thatI'm right to avoid CO2 and pneumoperitoneum, but I have to now use my own Abdolift to achieevemy results and not the StorzAbdolift that creates many adhesions in people.Developing my Lift-apparatus then there will never be a problem with our concept, infrastructure or with our treatment äs most persons returning for adhiolysis following Endogyn wereleft with adhesions, and many, many, manyof these adhesions wer from your Abdolift!Gasless laparoscopy, Adhesion Surgery at Endogyn si the best myopinion of the "KARLSTORZ CO.is trash!Karl Christian you r not God, the moon or anyone to discerdt me.Adhesion caused by the Abdoliftcompliments of Karl Storz Co_______I have discovered many facts about you and will tell th eworld~~~~~~_____~~~Thukrytych moliwoci urzdze Metody danychZmiana nawigacji wyniki Najnowsze wtkikorzystna NVIDII wyglda pamici flash Microna Chwytaj chwile Wakacyjnywynik Bardzo znaczcy wzrost
Posted by victimsofStorz at 2:42 PM 0 comments
Karl Storz Co.Abdolift INTERNATIONAL BOYCOTT AGAINST KARL STORZ CO Boykott Storz Co. for to inflict damages on all younot mewho manufacturing of this! Karl Storz Company withholds from me money fromthe Abdolift production and sales,Ican neveritrust the Karl Storz family of drunken liers anddevils.
Posted by victimsofStorz at 2:35 PM 0 comments
Swindlers and money launders Storz
iwouldn´t condescend to the level of Storz intellect and let them do the same crapto me because the Abdolift is jst a pile of junk!" You can keep thatfor yourself because there is no one better thenme to make it the worlds best. Iam betrayed by Mrs. Storz and her constantly shit faced son whotold lies aboput me to her and wasted the companys money with booze and bitches. I saw hinm do this, he doesnot like me and lies about me.I know this Cayman thing with Harry riech is äs untrue äs pie in the sky and did not really exist.My friendTom Lyons said: "l certainly am unable to verify any participation that l have in surgery in the Caymans." So äs I provethe Caymans are not real and Mrs storz Mrs.Storz was only interested in laundering her money throughthere for her financial gain.She use dme, and she used her own son to spy oin me and sent Harry reich to spy on me to get all the money I made for when I am teh greatest surgeon using her Abdolift!l am sure that all my friends from the International Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy, who are involved now with me totravelling to many congresses in many places including INidia. I am also and true aboard on the ISGE. www.ISGE.de I use MY abdolift now with my Gasless laparoscopy to teach surgery and beside Ipresent scientific programme includes organisations and societiesYou will find here the many trips MrsStorzÜ paid for me to sell her Abdolift and to use it because no other surgeon, not even Harry reich can get the results I get. And you willfind otherwho know well that my travels to Indiaare paid for by Storz as I am the greatest with the Abdolift. Now she shits on me like she did not knowme, but my proof is here.Posted Thursday, February 1, 2007 @ 02:09 AM Invited Speaker in the FutureInvited Speaker and live surgeon 50th All India Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology January 6 – 9, 2007 Colcata, IndiaInvited speaker 19th GasLESS (Gasless Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Surgeons Society) meeting March 2nd - 3rd 2007, Tokyo, JapanInvited speaker and Faculty 16th ISGE Annual Congress April 18th - 21st, Osaka, JapanInvited speaker 8th International Conference of Nepal Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists April 26th - 28th 2007, Kathmandu, NepalSelf-organized SymposiaOperative Tutorial „Lift-Laparoscopy - the new concept of gasless laparoscopy" http://www.endogyn.de/index.php?seite=endogyn&sprache=en&a=Currentsubjects&b=Currentcongresses&c=GaslessLscOPDemo Chair: Daniel Kruschinski, MD--------------------Daniel Kruschinski, MD EndoGyn.com, Adhesions.de, Hysterectomy.de, Fibroids.de, Endometriosis.de, Lift-laparoscopy.com © by EndoGyn Ltd.Posted Monday, September 1, 2003 @ 06:21 AM Dr. Kruschinski is the international expert at the ENDO-EAES 2003 in Jamnagar, India. If you are interested, please have a look at http://www.vikalphospital.com/ee.htm RafiPosted Sunday, September 21, 2003 @ 03:40 PM Hi All, back from India, where we performed more than 30 laparoscopic surgeries. 9 cases were perfromed by myseflf and gasless laparoscopy got a huge recognition. Jamnagar will from now on be one of the reference centers for gasless laparoscopy in India and will conduct live surgery workshops every year. In December a similar workshop will be held in bombay. I'm very happy that the gasless technique is very important for India and other developing countries... where the medical system needs laparoscopy to be able to sent the patient home as soon as possible and can't afford the expensive systems for gas laparoscopy ! My vision is clear coming through... slowly but surely, all the world will perform laparoscopic surgery as it has so many benefits over a laparotomy... and the stagnation in spreading laparoscopy will end soon by using gasless laparoscopy ... Kind regards and thanks for keeping the board alive. Next week we have many patients and will report again about them. I hope you all remember Maura Walsh, who had adhesiolysis 2 weeks ago and had her 75th birthday as she went home. Her son, Gerald reported that she had a very nice party for her birthday and eat a lot and that she is doing well and better than ever before... and she was so much suffering over the past 13 years.; Maura, we wish you all the best ! Kind regards[Edit by Doc_Kru on Monday, September 22, 2003 @ 01:24 AM]--------------------Daniel Kruschinski, MD EndoGyn.com, Adhesions.de, Hysterectomy.de, Fibroids.de, Endometriosis.de, Lift-laparoscopy.com © by EndoGyn Ltd.
Posted by victimsofStorz at 2:08 PM 0 comments
FinalyI am the victim of mrs.Storz
I havenow to make this blog becuaseI have been dropped and ignored by MrsStorz and I know I am responsiblefor all her success and she must depend on me for more success, but now she drops me as her firend and I am her victim too. Now she kiks me out after I promoted the Abdoliftwith Prof Mettler succesfully in India .Without me the Abdolift is useless, and her actions against me are nonscenceand rubbish. SinceI have learned my survival from my father who was in Auschwitz I will survive this thankless person owner of Storz. I guess the Karl Storz Gmbh, as a ruling company is so extremly smart and they haveso much time left, that theythink they will make success without me! Maybe there will be some more good dreams, so that ihave stuff to write here!!"There´s nothing more to say: Stop lyingabout me and stop illegal intervention in private life mrs.Karl Storz!" This against me is justnother case of explainng the reason of pain and solvingmy situations. Victims of StorzBoykott StorzMonday, July 31, 2006 Dr. Kruschinski+ Karl Storz Co.+ Abdolift INTERNATIONAL BOYCOTT AGAINST KARL STORZ CO.Dr. Kruschinski Claims that the adhesion, seen below, caused by the Abdolift, is something that he cannot stop äs it is the last port at the end of the procedure, thus there is a 99% chance that you will go home with this adhesionüHRT notified the Karl Storz Co. three years ago about this and again recently, only to have no response from them, and now it is time for all persons afflicted with "Adhesion Related Disorder" to teil any surgeon whom you might secure a surgery with NOT to use ANY surgical instrument made by this Company be used in your surgery!*Boycott Karl Storz Co. for allowing Kru to inflict damages on all those who have an umbilical adhesion because KRU used this "torture" hook on them during his procedures, and for the contiued manufacturing of this HOOK! *Until the Karl Storz Company withholds the Abdolift from production and sales, THEY are 100% responsible for the umbilical adhesion YOU are suffering with!*Because YOU trusted the Karl Storz Abdolift, and now have no money to secure any future Intervention for yourself because of so many trips to Endogyn..the Karl Storz Co. owes you ahttp:// 20.10.2007Victims of Internet:Boykott Storz Seite 2 von 11surgery!** Contact the Karl Storz Company and share with them how your life is lived witthe"AbdoliftAdhesion!"http://www.karlstorz.com/hm/getframe.htm i?1 Company/1 0.htrnMANY, if not most of the adhesion patients to Endogyn have returned for multiple adhesiolysis procedures, only to remain in pain.*Dr. Kruschinski Claims that, "the adhesion, seen here, caused by the Abdolift, is something that he cannot stop äs it is the last port at the end of the procedure, thus there is a 99% chance that you will go home with this adhesion!"*lt has also been 100% determined that patients who returned to Endogyn, did in fact have adhesions that were NOT lysed in prior surgeries at Endogyn!*lf YOU have pain, and had an adhesiolysis at Endogyn, Germany with Dr. Kruschinski, it is probably adhesions, and now that Endogyn is shutdown, you have an Obligation to yourself to secure a surgery in which you might find a higher quality of life, and less pain, äs Endogyn was not the place where, all but a few, were going to secure freedom from adhesions, and then be brainwashed that you would have to live with your pain forever, äs if "Kru" couldn't fix you, no one could! That is a lie!*The comment above by "Kru" is false, äs most persons returning for adhesiolysis following a trip to Endogyn were compromised with adhesions, and many, far to many, of these adhesions were from the Abdolift!ÜDaniel Kruschinski, MD, EndoGyn.com, Adhesions.de, Hysterectomy.de, Fibroids.de, Endometriosis.de, gasless-laparoscopy.com Abdolift, Emma-Klinik Seligenstadt, Gasless laparoscopy, Adhesion Surgery at EndogynIHRTs opinion of the "Karl Storz Co.!"Umbilicus"Adhesion caused by the Abdolift compliments of Karl Storz Co!Tha Karl Co. "Abdolift"The "Pile of Junk" where the Abdolift belongs!Endogyn Is Closed Forever!Sunday, July 30, 2006Michi is IN, Karen is OUT!Daniel Kruschinski, MD EndoGyn.com, Adhesions.de, Hysterectomy.de, Fibroids.de, Endometriosis.de, Lift-laparoscopy.com © by EndoGyn Ltd. Karen Steward finally silenced by Kruschinski!Karenresponded to everything Kru did, good, bad or ugly,with the enthusiasm of a true "athletic supporter!" lthink we can all recall this "passion" Karen had aboutKruschinski!Karen hung onto every post Kru did, hootinghttp:// 20.10.2007Victims of Internet: Boykott Storz Seite 10 von 11infamous "Katzer Documents!"**Note that Kru changed Katzer's CV in Endogyn to reflect the Information in the documents he portrayed äs Katzer's "nursing" papers? However, the original CV is cached in Google for all to see these changes were made. **Note how Kru REMOVED the "nursing" certificate, his medical number (from UK), and the title of his latest publication from Endogyn message board posts?IHRT has the goods on these documents, Katzer's many aliases, and even Daniels's GMC reference number. As for his latest publication, since he refuses to teil where it is published, how can anybody read it?Stay TunedüBreaklng News !!S!Doc_Kru Most advancedGender: Male Location: Registered: Jul 2003 Status: Offline Posts: 293 Posted Thursday, July 27, 2006 @ 05:44 AM by Daniel Kruschinsksihttp://www.endogynse rver.com/cgi-bin/210/cutecast.pisession=ANucB4nKNjYFQgkFvXxL8iMJux&forum~2&thread ^24651 got it first hand proved from ALL the surgeons who were reportedly performing surgery in the Caymans, that it's all a blown up and the story is complete untrue and that all the doctors were subject of manipulation by those mental ill women."Dr. Reich is being victimized äs you are because the Claims they make about him - äs positive äs they may be - are äs untrue äs the very negative Claims they are making about you." Harry Reich: "l believe this Cayman thing is pie in the sky and does not really exist.Tom Lyons: "l certainly am unable to verify any participation that l have in surgery in the Caymans."l am sure that all my friends from the International Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy, who are involved now will stand united to prevent such slander and libel in the internet. It is a severe crime those two women will have to defend themselves for.And it's a backstroke for adhesions or any surgery, if few unhappy patients can slander doctors via Internet for not resolving their many Problems.Please be aware of such sites, that are not hosted at regulär Servers and hosting Organisation, but are only blogger sites.Any of the surgeons would allow such advertising äs it was set up by this twowomen.************* Be aware of sites http:/ /www. adhesionreiatedd1sorder.com/?session=ANucB4nKNjYFQgkFvXxL8iMJuxhttp://adhesionreiateddlsorder. blogspot.com /?session=ANucB4nKNjYFQgkFvXxL8iMJuxhttp://www.adhesionrelateddisorder.com/ardnews.htmlsessi'on=ANucB4nKNjYFQgkFvXxLBiAAJuxhttp://ihrt.blogspot.com/? 20.10.2007
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Posted by victimsofStorz at 8:29 AM 0 comments
Adhesion Related Disorder, ARD, Capps, Abdominal Pain, Adhesions, adhesion-related disorders, complex abdominopelvic and pain syndrome, chronic pelvic pain, hysterectomy. Patient oriented database of information regarding all aspects of internal scar tissue, adhesions.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
For woman with adhesion disorder, only pain ahead
By GRETA CUYLERUnion Leader Correspondent Monday, Dec. 24, 2007
EPSOM – Christine Damon has always been in pain.
As a teenager, she sought medical treatment for abdominal pain, back pain and vomiting.
Doctors dismissed it as a "woman problem" and didn't take her seriously until a doctor finally diagnosed her with endrometriosis, a chronic disease in which the tissue lining the uterus begins growing in other parts of the body.
In her early 20s, Damon underwent her first surgery to remove the tissue.
She's now 44 and has had 14 surgeries because the adhesions keep growing back.
Damon suffers from Adhesion Related Disorder, in which internal scars -- caused by trauma - bind organs and tissues not normally connected.
Ninety to 100 percent of surgery patients develop adhesions, said David Wiseman, who conducts research on ARD.
"Probably most everyone gets them because it's an inevitable part of healing," he said. "The question is will that cause another problem or when will it cause a problem."
Damon has lost her ovaries, uterus, gallbladder and part of her appendix to the disorder. She can't keep her food down. She's down to about 90 pounds, said her best friend, Lorraine Keach.
"There's nothing left; they can't do anything for me," Damon said. "No more surgeries, just pain medication."
Damon's story is typical, said Dr. Jay Redan, a board-certified general surgeon at Florida Hospital- Celebration Health, who specializes in minimally invasive surgery and has been doing ARD surgeries for a decade.
The typical ARD patient is in her 30s or 40s and has undergone an open hysterectomy. Ninety percent of people who have an open hysterectomy develop adhesions. A few years later, the patient develops bowel problems and a doctor diagnoses irritable bowel system. When the patient has trouble urinating, a doctor prescribes medication. The patient complains of pain and a doctor prescribes more drugs. The patient goes to a psychiatrist who prescribes anti-depressants. The patient's pain gets worse, she probably lose her job due to the escalating pain and days lost from work. Then the patient may develop a bowel obstruction.
Damon now puts all her energy into a 40-hour-a-week job to pay rent and bills, but says she doesn't have the energy to do much else. She goes to bed directly after dinner and rests all weekend to make it through another work week
Now she's waiting for the adhesions to latch onto yet another organ.
Redan treats ARD through laparoscopic surgery because open surgery often causes more adhesions. Without a diagnostic test for adhesions, it's not simple to get insurance to approve surgery, and the only way to diagnose them is through a laparoscopy or open abdominal exploration.
"(Insurance companies) make patients go through other tests," Redan said. "Then they say, 'There's nothing wrong, all the tests are negative, why do you want to have surgery?'"
According to Redan, there's no guarantee surgery will fix adhesions because patients often have multiple problems stemming from the initial disease. However, his method has about a 75 percent success rate for making a patients adhesions asymptomatic, he said.
Damon has trouble finding doctors who are willing to treat her, although she has been to Redan and also doctors in New York and Pennsylvania. Some doctors don't accept insurance, leaving her to pick up the tab.
Damon's friend Keach is working to raise ARD awareness. Keach's efforts resulted in a September 2006 proclamation from Gov. John Lynch recognizing September 2006 as a month of awareness for ARD.
"God bless her, she's done things I don't have the energy to do. She's more than a friend, she's my sister," Damon said.
The two women became friends in 2001 while working at the Hooksett Police Department.
"I can't tell you all the things I've seen," Keach said. "Somehow, she keeps going on. But some days she really wants to give up. I've seen those days."
Bless you Chrissy.
EPSOM – Christine Damon has always been in pain.
As a teenager, she sought medical treatment for abdominal pain, back pain and vomiting.
Doctors dismissed it as a "woman problem" and didn't take her seriously until a doctor finally diagnosed her with endrometriosis, a chronic disease in which the tissue lining the uterus begins growing in other parts of the body.
In her early 20s, Damon underwent her first surgery to remove the tissue.
She's now 44 and has had 14 surgeries because the adhesions keep growing back.
Damon suffers from Adhesion Related Disorder, in which internal scars -- caused by trauma - bind organs and tissues not normally connected.
Ninety to 100 percent of surgery patients develop adhesions, said David Wiseman, who conducts research on ARD.
"Probably most everyone gets them because it's an inevitable part of healing," he said. "The question is will that cause another problem or when will it cause a problem."
Damon has lost her ovaries, uterus, gallbladder and part of her appendix to the disorder. She can't keep her food down. She's down to about 90 pounds, said her best friend, Lorraine Keach.
"There's nothing left; they can't do anything for me," Damon said. "No more surgeries, just pain medication."
Damon's story is typical, said Dr. Jay Redan, a board-certified general surgeon at Florida Hospital- Celebration Health, who specializes in minimally invasive surgery and has been doing ARD surgeries for a decade.
The typical ARD patient is in her 30s or 40s and has undergone an open hysterectomy. Ninety percent of people who have an open hysterectomy develop adhesions. A few years later, the patient develops bowel problems and a doctor diagnoses irritable bowel system. When the patient has trouble urinating, a doctor prescribes medication. The patient complains of pain and a doctor prescribes more drugs. The patient goes to a psychiatrist who prescribes anti-depressants. The patient's pain gets worse, she probably lose her job due to the escalating pain and days lost from work. Then the patient may develop a bowel obstruction.
Damon now puts all her energy into a 40-hour-a-week job to pay rent and bills, but says she doesn't have the energy to do much else. She goes to bed directly after dinner and rests all weekend to make it through another work week
Now she's waiting for the adhesions to latch onto yet another organ.
Redan treats ARD through laparoscopic surgery because open surgery often causes more adhesions. Without a diagnostic test for adhesions, it's not simple to get insurance to approve surgery, and the only way to diagnose them is through a laparoscopy or open abdominal exploration.
"(Insurance companies) make patients go through other tests," Redan said. "Then they say, 'There's nothing wrong, all the tests are negative, why do you want to have surgery?'"
According to Redan, there's no guarantee surgery will fix adhesions because patients often have multiple problems stemming from the initial disease. However, his method has about a 75 percent success rate for making a patients adhesions asymptomatic, he said.
Damon has trouble finding doctors who are willing to treat her, although she has been to Redan and also doctors in New York and Pennsylvania. Some doctors don't accept insurance, leaving her to pick up the tab.
Damon's friend Keach is working to raise ARD awareness. Keach's efforts resulted in a September 2006 proclamation from Gov. John Lynch recognizing September 2006 as a month of awareness for ARD.
"God bless her, she's done things I don't have the energy to do. She's more than a friend, she's my sister," Damon said.
The two women became friends in 2001 while working at the Hooksett Police Department.
"I can't tell you all the things I've seen," Keach said. "Somehow, she keeps going on. But some days she really wants to give up. I've seen those days."
Bless you Chrissy.
Adept adhesion barrier
Adept (icodextrin 4% solution) reduces adhesions after laparoscopic surgery for adhesiolysis: a double-blind, randomized, controlled study.
Brown CB, Luciano AA, Martin D, Peers E, Scrimgeour A, diZerega GS; Adept Adhesion Reduction Study Group.
University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of Adept (4% icodextrin solution) in reducing adhesions after laparoscopic gynecological surgery involving adhesiolysis. DESIGN: Multicenter, prospective, randomized, double-blind study comparing Adept with lactated Ringer's solution (LRS). PATIENT(S): Four hundred two patients randomized intraoperatively to Adept (n = 203) or LRS (n = 199) returned for second laparoscopy within 4-8 weeks. Incidence, severity, and extent of adhesions were determined on both occasions. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): The primary efficacy measure defined by the Food and Drug Administration was the number of patients achieving clinical success with adhesion treatment. Other measures included incidence and American Fertility Society (AFS) scores. RESULT(S): Significantly more Adept patients achieved clinical success than did LRS patients (49% vs. 38%). In infertility patients, Adept demonstrated particular clinical success compared with LRS (55% vs. 33%). This was reflected in the number of patients with a reduced AFS score (53% vs. 30%) and in fewer patients with a moderate/severe AFS category score (43% vs. 14%). Safety was comparable in both groups. Most events were related to the surgery, with an increase in transient labial edema in the Adept group. CONCLUSION(S): This is the first randomized, double-blind trial of an adhesion reduction agent. It demonstrated that Adept is a safe and effective adhesion reduction agent in laparoscopy.
PMID: 17383643 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Brown CB, Luciano AA, Martin D, Peers E, Scrimgeour A, diZerega GS; Adept Adhesion Reduction Study Group.
University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of Adept (4% icodextrin solution) in reducing adhesions after laparoscopic gynecological surgery involving adhesiolysis. DESIGN: Multicenter, prospective, randomized, double-blind study comparing Adept with lactated Ringer's solution (LRS). PATIENT(S): Four hundred two patients randomized intraoperatively to Adept (n = 203) or LRS (n = 199) returned for second laparoscopy within 4-8 weeks. Incidence, severity, and extent of adhesions were determined on both occasions. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): The primary efficacy measure defined by the Food and Drug Administration was the number of patients achieving clinical success with adhesion treatment. Other measures included incidence and American Fertility Society (AFS) scores. RESULT(S): Significantly more Adept patients achieved clinical success than did LRS patients (49% vs. 38%). In infertility patients, Adept demonstrated particular clinical success compared with LRS (55% vs. 33%). This was reflected in the number of patients with a reduced AFS score (53% vs. 30%) and in fewer patients with a moderate/severe AFS category score (43% vs. 14%). Safety was comparable in both groups. Most events were related to the surgery, with an increase in transient labial edema in the Adept group. CONCLUSION(S): This is the first randomized, double-blind trial of an adhesion reduction agent. It demonstrated that Adept is a safe and effective adhesion reduction agent in laparoscopy.
PMID: 17383643 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Thursday, December 27, 2007
See SICKO for free
TODAY at 7:00 PM in Asheville, North Carolina
December 28th at 6:30 PM in Hayward, Wisconsin
December 29th at 2:00 PM in Bonham, Texas
December 30th at 7:00 PM in Asheville, NC
January 5th, Vaughan, Ontario, Canada
January 7th at 5:45 PM in Spring Hill, Florida
January 7th at 6 PM, Hilton Head Island, SC
January 10th at 6:30 PM in Stamford, Connecticut
January 11th at 7 PM in Stillwater, Oklahoma
January 29th All Day Long in Salt Lake City, Utah
December 28th at 6:30 PM in Hayward, Wisconsin
December 29th at 2:00 PM in Bonham, Texas
December 30th at 7:00 PM in Asheville, NC
January 5th, Vaughan, Ontario, Canada
January 7th at 5:45 PM in Spring Hill, Florida
January 7th at 6 PM, Hilton Head Island, SC
January 10th at 6:30 PM in Stamford, Connecticut
January 11th at 7 PM in Stillwater, Oklahoma
January 29th All Day Long in Salt Lake City, Utah
Least we forget,
This product is back on the market.
A maple syup type substance would form inside some patients and could not be easily expelled by the body.
It's reintroduction is said to be based on the benefits outweighing the risk.
From the FDA
2003 Safety Alert - INTERGEL Adhesion Prevention Solution
This is the text of a statement from FDA Center for Devices and Radiological Health. Contact the company for a copy of any referenced enclosures.
Urgent Global Market Withdrawal: GYNECARE INTERGEL Adhesion Prevention Solution Voluntarily Withdrawn from the Market by GYNECARE Worldwide
April 16, 2003
GYNECARE Worldwide, a division of Ethicon Inc. of Somerville, New Jersey, notified FDA that they are voluntarily withdrawing “GYNECARE INTERGEL Adhesion Prevention Solution” from the global market and are urging customers to immediately stop using this device. This product has been distributed in the following countries; Austria, Canada, Egypt, England, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Netherlands, Portugal, Republic of Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates and the United States.
This product is intended to be used in open, conservative gynecological surgery as an adjunct to good surgical technique to reduce post-surgical adhesions. GYNECARE is conducting this voluntary withdrawal to complete an assessment of information obtained during post-marketing experience with the device, including adverse events associated with off-label use in laparoscopy and non-conservative surgical procedures such as hysterectomy.
Post-market reports include late-onset post-operative pain and repeat surgeries following the onset of pain, non-infectious foreign body reactions, and tissue adherence. In some patients a residual material was observed during the repeat surgery. Post-operative pain could be suggestive of other serious complications and physicians should be aware of this in managing patients in the post-operative period.
GYNECARE is withdrawing the device from the market to conduct a full and thorough assessment of technical issues, surgical techniques and circumstances associated with the post-market events. From the launch of this device in 1998 to February 2003, the overall complaint rate worldwide is low.
GYNECARE is requesting all GYNECARE INTERGEL product and samples be returned to GYNECARE. Questions about returning these products can be answered by GYNECARE sales representatives or the Customer Hotline at 1-800-551-7683. Further information can be found at: http://www.fda.gov/medwatch/safety/2003/Intergel.pdf
FDA is also investigating to determine the nature of the problem and will update this webpage as information becomes available.
If you become aware of a problem associated with these products, please contact MedWatch, the FDA’s voluntary reporting program. You may submit reports to MedWatch one of four ways: online at http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/medwatch/; by telephone at 1-800-FDA-1088; by FAX at 1-800-FDA-0178; or by mail to MedWatch, Food and Drug Administration, HFD-410, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857.
Return to 2003 Safety Summary
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This product is back on the market.
A maple syup type substance would form inside some patients and could not be easily expelled by the body.
It's reintroduction is said to be based on the benefits outweighing the risk.
From the FDA
2003 Safety Alert - INTERGEL Adhesion Prevention Solution
This is the text of a statement from FDA Center for Devices and Radiological Health. Contact the company for a copy of any referenced enclosures.
Urgent Global Market Withdrawal: GYNECARE INTERGEL Adhesion Prevention Solution Voluntarily Withdrawn from the Market by GYNECARE Worldwide
April 16, 2003
GYNECARE Worldwide, a division of Ethicon Inc. of Somerville, New Jersey, notified FDA that they are voluntarily withdrawing “GYNECARE INTERGEL Adhesion Prevention Solution” from the global market and are urging customers to immediately stop using this device. This product has been distributed in the following countries; Austria, Canada, Egypt, England, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Netherlands, Portugal, Republic of Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates and the United States.
This product is intended to be used in open, conservative gynecological surgery as an adjunct to good surgical technique to reduce post-surgical adhesions. GYNECARE is conducting this voluntary withdrawal to complete an assessment of information obtained during post-marketing experience with the device, including adverse events associated with off-label use in laparoscopy and non-conservative surgical procedures such as hysterectomy.
Post-market reports include late-onset post-operative pain and repeat surgeries following the onset of pain, non-infectious foreign body reactions, and tissue adherence. In some patients a residual material was observed during the repeat surgery. Post-operative pain could be suggestive of other serious complications and physicians should be aware of this in managing patients in the post-operative period.
GYNECARE is withdrawing the device from the market to conduct a full and thorough assessment of technical issues, surgical techniques and circumstances associated with the post-market events. From the launch of this device in 1998 to February 2003, the overall complaint rate worldwide is low.
GYNECARE is requesting all GYNECARE INTERGEL product and samples be returned to GYNECARE. Questions about returning these products can be answered by GYNECARE sales representatives or the Customer Hotline at 1-800-551-7683. Further information can be found at: http://www.fda.gov/medwatch/safety/2003/Intergel.pdf
FDA is also investigating to determine the nature of the problem and will update this webpage as information becomes available.
If you become aware of a problem associated with these products, please contact MedWatch, the FDA’s voluntary reporting program. You may submit reports to MedWatch one of four ways: online at http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/medwatch/; by telephone at 1-800-FDA-1088; by FAX at 1-800-FDA-0178; or by mail to MedWatch, Food and Drug Administration, HFD-410, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857.
Return to 2003 Safety Summary
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Thursday, August 16, 2007
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Analysis: 'Sicko' numbers mostly accurate; more context needed
By A. Chris GajilanCNN
(CNN) -- Michael Moore's "Sicko," which opened nationwide Friday, is filled with horror stories of people who are deprived of medical service because they can't afford it or haven't been able to navigate the murky waters of managed care in the United States.
It compares American health care with the universal coverage systems in Canada, France, the United Kingdom and Cuba.
Moore covers a lot of ground. Our team investigated some of the claims put forth in his film. We found that his numbers were mostly right, but his arguments could use a little more context. As we dug deep to uncover the numbers, we found surprisingly few inaccuracies in the film. In fact, most pundits or health-care experts we spoke to spent more time on errors of omission rather than disputing the actual claims in the film.
Whether it's dollars spent, group coverage or Medicaid income cutoffs, health care goes hand in hand with numbers. Moore opens his film by giving these statistics, "Fifty million uninsured Americans ... 18,000 people die because they are uninsured."
For the most part, that's true. The latest numbers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say 43.6 million, or about 15 percent of Americans, were uninsured in 2006. For the past five years, the overall count has fluctuated between 41 million and 44 million people. According to the Institute of Medicine, 18,000 people do die each year mainly because they are less likely to receive screening and preventive care for chronic diseases.
Moore says that the U.S. spends more of its gross domestic product on health care than any other country.
(CNN) -- Michael Moore's "Sicko," which opened nationwide Friday, is filled with horror stories of people who are deprived of medical service because they can't afford it or haven't been able to navigate the murky waters of managed care in the United States.
It compares American health care with the universal coverage systems in Canada, France, the United Kingdom and Cuba.
Moore covers a lot of ground. Our team investigated some of the claims put forth in his film. We found that his numbers were mostly right, but his arguments could use a little more context. As we dug deep to uncover the numbers, we found surprisingly few inaccuracies in the film. In fact, most pundits or health-care experts we spoke to spent more time on errors of omission rather than disputing the actual claims in the film.
Whether it's dollars spent, group coverage or Medicaid income cutoffs, health care goes hand in hand with numbers. Moore opens his film by giving these statistics, "Fifty million uninsured Americans ... 18,000 people die because they are uninsured."
For the most part, that's true. The latest numbers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say 43.6 million, or about 15 percent of Americans, were uninsured in 2006. For the past five years, the overall count has fluctuated between 41 million and 44 million people. According to the Institute of Medicine, 18,000 people do die each year mainly because they are less likely to receive screening and preventive care for chronic diseases.
Moore says that the U.S. spends more of its gross domestic product on health care than any other country.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Autopsy report ~ Edith Isabel Rodriguez suffered " Adhesion Related Disorder!"
Edith Isabel Rodriguez suffered " Adhesion Related Disorder!" A contributory if not THE end means disease of which she died!

Edith presented to the ER a number of times over a short period of time, "was called a "frequent flyer" prescribed analgesics for pain, miss-diagnosed due to the lack of knowledge of ARD, and worse, lack of medical intervention, inhumane treatment and ultimately met her death lying on the floor in the waiting area of Martin Luther King Hospital in LA, with a janitor cleaning around her pain riddled body as loved ones and other patients watched in disbelief!
The sad truth is that hundreds, maybe thousands of persons afflicted with ARD are receiving this very same "lack of treatment" in ER's all over the USA....and if this med student web site is any indication of the caliber of "Dr.'s" who are going to fill these ER's, person afflicted with ARD face this same type of death without dignity or proper medical intervention, just as Edith did!
Read the Adhesion Quilt for stories very similar to Edith's as each person pleads for help from one of the most painful conditions imaginable. ARD patients can be "frequent flyers" to E.R.. It's actually a common phrase in an adhesion sufferer's story.
Not only was Edith's death a tragedy, it appears that her autopsy was just as "sloppy" and "crude" as her death at the hands of "medical professionals!" Her autopsy report is filled with errors and inconsistencies as the hands of those in the corner's office of LA who did the "investigation" & "autopsy!" Would this have happened if "Edith I. Rodriguez" was "Anna Nicole Smith?"
BOTH these ladies seemed to have a history of drug taking, with "Anna Nicole Smith" appearing to be the worst of the two, both died young, and both were taking prescription medication at the time of their deaths..and that is where the similarities seem to end!
IHRT called it correctly, and NOT one medical person was able to do that, and we did it without the autopsy results! We will say that, "WE told you so!"
Edith Isabel Rodriguez "Adhesion Related Disorder"
Pg. 1 Synopsis: History of "illicit narcotic" abuse" no mention of an "Iatrogenic" disorder!
Pg. 2 In dormant/witness statement: Diagnostic tests results - Negative for abnormal pathology
Pg. 2 NO tracking from illicit drugs..(IHRT asks:"so just how bad was the "Illicit drug taking?")
Pg. 3 Evidence of "old surgery" scar at middle lower portion of the abdomen midline just under the umbilicus is vertically oriented and measures 7.5 inches. (Laporotomy)
Pg. 4 Prior Appendectomy - Extensive adhesions in the lower abdominal quadrant! (IHRT adds that THIS is a VERY painful condition!)
Edith's autopsy report states that she died after "collapsing in the ER" and "not being able to be resuscitated," no mention that Edith lay bleeding and withering in pain on the floor of the ER in full view of the ER staff!
Edith's autopsy reports gives her age as both 43 years of age, AND 53 years of age! Edith's autopsy report states that she did not have any bowel strangulation, but adhesions most certainly narrow the intestinal passages and constricts constipated stool!
One x-ray could have seen the mega colon and thus her life could have been saved.
Was she ignored because this E.R suspected she had adhesions and also needed emergency surgery.
Adhesions are usually a surgeons worst nightmare!
Adhesions are can be dangerous to lyse. Adhesiolysis can be very time consuming thus offers a medical facility no profits.
Most surgeons are pretty nervous about their medical malpractice rates.
Edith's autopsy report states her death was an "accidental!"
Edith's death was NOT due to diabetes, hypertension, overweight, nor gender, race, being rich or poor, having a criminal record or not, drug addiction, being transient in nature, being a mother, a grandmother, a friend, a sister, an aunt, a person....Edith died because she had, "Adhesion Related Disorder" and this IS how persons afflicted with ARD are treated by medical "professionals" in Emergency Rooms all across the USA!
IHRT predicts that this treatment is not likely to get better after reading the comments by "medical students" in the following link! Non of the med students had a clue as to what might have caused Edith's symptoms, and why she presented so often to the ER, nor why all the diagnostic tests were "normal!" IHRT knew the answer to ALL of those answers, and they was right!
Many adhesion sufferers immediately thought, " Edith IS one of us I bet" and now we have obtained the horrible truth of the matter. The autopsy confirmed our worse fears,
Read "Edith's Autopsy " report for yourself!
Edith Isabel Rodriguez had severe abdominal adhesions.
Edith Isabel Rodriguez will save many lives we pray with her tragic posthumous story.
Adhesion sufferers should be forever armed at all times with our operative reports and Edith Rodriguez' autopsy report.
Firmly stand your ground.
You will be presenting to the likes of these medical professions in the future. Here is the link, "Student Doctor Network Forums"
LADoc00 writes:
"The lady was a drug addict and had warrants for her arrest. Why does anyone think this was unintentional?? Was she even a US citizen FFS? On the face of it, saving her would have been FAR more of a tragedy for America.LET THESE PEOPLE DIE. I cant stress this enough.I want to give MLK adminstrators a medal for this not my scorn.
__________________Where is the horse and the rider? Where is the horn that was blowing? They have passed like rain on the mountain, like a wind in the meadow; The days have gone down in the West behind the hills into shadow."~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Edith Isabel Rodriguez was a victim of "Adhesion Related Disorder," just as IHRT suspected and predicted.
This prediction was something that no medical "professional" was able to predict, suspect and most disturbing to IHRT, was not able to diagnose properly!
This prediction was something that no medical "professional" was able to predict, suspect and most disturbing to IHRT, was not able to diagnose properly!
Edith presented to the ER a number of times over a short period of time, "was called a "frequent flyer" prescribed analgesics for pain, miss-diagnosed due to the lack of knowledge of ARD, and worse, lack of medical intervention, inhumane treatment and ultimately met her death lying on the floor in the waiting area of Martin Luther King Hospital in LA, with a janitor cleaning around her pain riddled body as loved ones and other patients watched in disbelief!
The sad truth is that hundreds, maybe thousands of persons afflicted with ARD are receiving this very same "lack of treatment" in ER's all over the USA....and if this med student web site is any indication of the caliber of "Dr.'s" who are going to fill these ER's, person afflicted with ARD face this same type of death without dignity or proper medical intervention, just as Edith did!
Read the Adhesion Quilt for stories very similar to Edith's as each person pleads for help from one of the most painful conditions imaginable. ARD patients can be "frequent flyers" to E.R.. It's actually a common phrase in an adhesion sufferer's story.
Not only was Edith's death a tragedy, it appears that her autopsy was just as "sloppy" and "crude" as her death at the hands of "medical professionals!" Her autopsy report is filled with errors and inconsistencies as the hands of those in the corner's office of LA who did the "investigation" & "autopsy!" Would this have happened if "Edith I. Rodriguez" was "Anna Nicole Smith?"
Edith Isabel Rodriguez seems to have been treated as a "Jane Doe" at the coroner's office.
.........Until you know what hit the fan.
BOTH these ladies seemed to have a history of drug taking, with "Anna Nicole Smith" appearing to be the worst of the two, both died young, and both were taking prescription medication at the time of their deaths..and that is where the similarities seem to end!
IHRT called it correctly, and NOT one medical person was able to do that, and we did it without the autopsy results! We will say that, "WE told you so!"
Edith Isabel Rodriguez "Adhesion Related Disorder"
Post-surgical intra-abdominal adhesions
Date of birth: 2/1/1964
Date of death: 5/9/2007
Place of death: Martin Lutheran King - LA
Pg. 1 Synopsis: History of "illicit narcotic" abuse" no mention of an "Iatrogenic" disorder!
Pg. 2 In dormant/witness statement: Diagnostic tests results - Negative for abnormal pathology
Autopsy exam:
Pg. 1 Anatomical summary: D - Lower abdominal and pelvic regions with adhesions.
Pg. 2 NO tracking from illicit drugs..(IHRT asks:"so just how bad was the "Illicit drug taking?")
Pg. 3 Evidence of "old surgery" scar at middle lower portion of the abdomen midline just under the umbilicus is vertically oriented and measures 7.5 inches. (Laporotomy)
Pg. 4 Prior Appendectomy - Extensive adhesions in the lower abdominal quadrant! (IHRT adds that THIS is a VERY painful condition!)
Edith's autopsy report states that she died after "collapsing in the ER" and "not being able to be resuscitated," no mention that Edith lay bleeding and withering in pain on the floor of the ER in full view of the ER staff!
Edith's autopsy reports gives her age as both 43 years of age, AND 53 years of age! Edith's autopsy report states that she did not have any bowel strangulation, but adhesions most certainly narrow the intestinal passages and constricts constipated stool!
One x-ray could have seen the mega colon and thus her life could have been saved.
Was she ignored because this E.R suspected she had adhesions and also needed emergency surgery.
Adhesions are usually a surgeons worst nightmare!
Adhesions are can be dangerous to lyse. Adhesiolysis can be very time consuming thus offers a medical facility no profits.
Most surgeons are pretty nervous about their medical malpractice rates.
IHRT suspects that many are turned away and discriminated against just for having prior surgeries or if the word adhesions is on any post op report.
IHRT says very possible!
IHRT says very possible!
Edith's autopsy report states her death was an "accidental!"
Edith Isabel Rodriguez is, sadly, a prime example of what persons afflicted with ARD face when seeking medical intervention for their pain and various symptoms!
Edith's death was NOT due to diabetes, hypertension, overweight, nor gender, race, being rich or poor, having a criminal record or not, drug addiction, being transient in nature, being a mother, a grandmother, a friend, a sister, an aunt, a person....Edith died because she had, "Adhesion Related Disorder" and this IS how persons afflicted with ARD are treated by medical "professionals" in Emergency Rooms all across the USA!
IHRT predicts that this treatment is not likely to get better after reading the comments by "medical students" in the following link! Non of the med students had a clue as to what might have caused Edith's symptoms, and why she presented so often to the ER, nor why all the diagnostic tests were "normal!" IHRT knew the answer to ALL of those answers, and they was right!
Many adhesion sufferers immediately thought, " Edith IS one of us I bet" and now we have obtained the horrible truth of the matter. The autopsy confirmed our worse fears,
Read "Edith's Autopsy " report for yourself!
Edith Isabel Rodriguez will save many lives we pray with her tragic posthumous story.
Adhesion sufferers should be forever armed at all times with our operative reports and Edith Rodriguez' autopsy report.
Firmly stand your ground.
You will be presenting to the likes of these medical professions in the future. Here is the link, "Student Doctor Network Forums"
LADoc00 writes:
"The lady was a drug addict and had warrants for her arrest. Why does anyone think this was unintentional?? Was she even a US citizen FFS? On the face of it, saving her would have been FAR more of a tragedy for America.LET THESE PEOPLE DIE. I cant stress this enough.I want to give MLK adminstrators a medal for this not my scorn.
__________________Where is the horse and the rider? Where is the horn that was blowing? They have passed like rain on the mountain, like a wind in the meadow; The days have gone down in the West behind the hills into shadow."
Is he just kidding?? IHRT can't tell!
These are the facts, plain and simple..and this was "Manslaughter," plain and simple!
Friday, June 29, 2007
Sicko Opens Today
Today is the Day for "Sicko"...a letter from Michael Moore
Movie Trailer
"Where can I see the film?"
TONIGHT at 9:00 PM ET:Check Out Mike on 'Larry King Live'
"Would you patent the sun?" -- Jonas Salk, developer of the polio vaccine
Outnumbered; Pharmaceutical giants might as well take a chill pill
What Do They Have to Lose?
The Rug Out from Under Their Feet
Movie Trailer
"Where can I see the film?"
TONIGHT at 9:00 PM ET:Check Out Mike on 'Larry King Live'
"Would you patent the sun?" -- Jonas Salk, developer of the polio vaccine
Outnumbered; Pharmaceutical giants might as well take a chill pill
What Do They Have to Lose?
The Rug Out from Under Their Feet
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Composix Kugel Mesh Patches Recall and class action suit
The US Food and Drug Administration along with Davol, Inc., a subsidiary of C.R. Bard, Inc., have instituted a recall of certain models of the Bard Composix Kugel Mesh Patch. The patches are used for the repair of hernias caused by thinning or stretching of scar tissue that forms after hernia surgery.
How the patch is usedThe folded patch is placed inside the abdominal cavity through an incision and positioned behind the hernia. The patch is then unfolded and held open by a plastic "memory recoil ring" once it is in place. There have been reports that this ring has broken and created a number of health problems for the patients.The hernia repair device was recalled because of these reports. If the ring should break, the broken ends could poke through th mesh and create bowel perforations and/or a condition called "chronic enteric fistulae." The ring is designed to aid in deployment of the patch, but it can break when increased stress is placed on it during certain surgical placement techniques.According to the FDA Recall Notice "Patients who have been implanted with a Composix Kugel Mesh Patch during hernia surgery should seek medical attention immediately if they experience symptoms that could be associated with ring breakage. These symptoms include:unexplained or persistent abdominal pain, fever, tenderness at the surgery site or other unusual symptoms."In a March-24-06 recall notice, Bard recommends that health care professionals "Immediately discontinue use of the specific product codes and lot numbers listed below. Additionally, please immediately distribute copies of this Important Patient Management Information to clinicians who may have implanted, or who may be managing, patients already implanted with one of these products under voluntary recall."The product codes for the Dec-05, Jan-06 and Mar-06 recalls are:
Bard Composix Kugel
Extra Large Oval
8.7" x 10.7"
Bard Composix Kugel
Extra Large Oval
10.8" x 13.7"
Bard Composix Kugel
Extra Large Oval
7.7" x 9.7"
Bard Composix Kugel
6.3" x 12.3"
Bard Composix Kugel Large
5.4" x 7"
Bard Composix Kugel
Large Circle
Kugel Mesh Stories and ArticlesFDA Warned Kugel Mesh Patch Maker of Serious ViolationDavol Inc., maker of the Bard Composix Kugel Mesh Patch, was issued a warning letter in 2006 from the FDA, citing serious problems with quality assurance systems used during the manufacturing process of the patch. The FDA also found that Davol did not report the possible severity of complaints that it received. Another Kugel Mesh Lawsuit FiledAnother lawsuit has been filed against Davol Inc., regarding the company's Kugel Mesh Patch. The lawsuit was filed in May and alleges a man died because of a defective hernia repair patch. Dan's Story: Routine Surgery Gone WrongKugel Mesh? Get Your Surgical ReportComposix Kugel Mesh: Imagine if it Breaks Inside of YouKugel Mesh Compromised My HealthMedical Devices - April 2007 Litigation Update Part IITo the Makers of Kugel Mesh: Cover My Medical ExpensesKugel Mesh Infection: One Woman’s AccountKugel Mesh Cause of DeathKugel Mesh Recall Too Late for SomeKugel Mesh Patch Messed UpKugel Mesh Recall Updated to Class 1Kugel Mesh One Big MessKugel Mesh Recalls – A TimelineKugel Mesh Patches: More Units RecalledKugel Mesh Patches Lead to LawsuitKugel Mesh One Big MessKugel Mesh Patches Considered a Serious RecallKugel Mesh Patch: Recalled due to Serious InjuriesInjuries and Death Reported in Patients Implanted with Bard Kugel Mesh PatchKugel Mesh Patches Recalled
The US Food and Drug Administration along with Davol, Inc., a subsidiary of C.R. Bard, Inc., have instituted a recall of certain models of the Bard Composix Kugel Mesh Patch. The patches are used for the repair of hernias caused by thinning or stretching of scar tissue that forms after hernia surgery.
How the patch is usedThe folded patch is placed inside the abdominal cavity through an incision and positioned behind the hernia. The patch is then unfolded and held open by a plastic "memory recoil ring" once it is in place. There have been reports that this ring has broken and created a number of health problems for the patients.The hernia repair device was recalled because of these reports. If the ring should break, the broken ends could poke through th mesh and create bowel perforations and/or a condition called "chronic enteric fistulae." The ring is designed to aid in deployment of the patch, but it can break when increased stress is placed on it during certain surgical placement techniques.According to the FDA Recall Notice "Patients who have been implanted with a Composix Kugel Mesh Patch during hernia surgery should seek medical attention immediately if they experience symptoms that could be associated with ring breakage. These symptoms include:unexplained or persistent abdominal pain, fever, tenderness at the surgery site or other unusual symptoms."In a March-24-06 recall notice, Bard recommends that health care professionals "Immediately discontinue use of the specific product codes and lot numbers listed below. Additionally, please immediately distribute copies of this Important Patient Management Information to clinicians who may have implanted, or who may be managing, patients already implanted with one of these products under voluntary recall."The product codes for the Dec-05, Jan-06 and Mar-06 recalls are:
Bard Composix Kugel
Extra Large Oval
8.7" x 10.7"
Bard Composix Kugel
Extra Large Oval
10.8" x 13.7"
Bard Composix Kugel
Extra Large Oval
7.7" x 9.7"
Bard Composix Kugel
6.3" x 12.3"
Bard Composix Kugel Large
5.4" x 7"
Bard Composix Kugel
Large Circle
Kugel Mesh Stories and ArticlesFDA Warned Kugel Mesh Patch Maker of Serious ViolationDavol Inc., maker of the Bard Composix Kugel Mesh Patch, was issued a warning letter in 2006 from the FDA, citing serious problems with quality assurance systems used during the manufacturing process of the patch. The FDA also found that Davol did not report the possible severity of complaints that it received. Another Kugel Mesh Lawsuit FiledAnother lawsuit has been filed against Davol Inc., regarding the company's Kugel Mesh Patch. The lawsuit was filed in May and alleges a man died because of a defective hernia repair patch. Dan's Story: Routine Surgery Gone WrongKugel Mesh? Get Your Surgical ReportComposix Kugel Mesh: Imagine if it Breaks Inside of YouKugel Mesh Compromised My HealthMedical Devices - April 2007 Litigation Update Part IITo the Makers of Kugel Mesh: Cover My Medical ExpensesKugel Mesh Infection: One Woman’s AccountKugel Mesh Cause of DeathKugel Mesh Recall Too Late for SomeKugel Mesh Patch Messed UpKugel Mesh Recall Updated to Class 1Kugel Mesh One Big MessKugel Mesh Recalls – A TimelineKugel Mesh Patches: More Units RecalledKugel Mesh Patches Lead to LawsuitKugel Mesh One Big MessKugel Mesh Patches Considered a Serious RecallKugel Mesh Patch: Recalled due to Serious InjuriesInjuries and Death Reported in Patients Implanted with Bard Kugel Mesh PatchKugel Mesh Patches Recalled
Adhesions ARD Medical Headlines ARDvark Blog
Emergency Departments Overcrowded, Understaffed, Witnesses Testify At House Committee Hearing
As Many As 1.2M Hospital Patients Infected With MRSA Annually, Study Finds
Nursing2007 Survey Report Reveals Improvements Needed In Infection Control
Organon's Once-A-Month Contraceptive Ring, NuvaRing® Completes European Authorization
Never Mind Dying Pain Free, They Should Be Living Pain Free
AMA Calls For Investigation Of Retail Health Clinics
Clinical Trial Confirms New Laxative Safe For Everyone, Including Elderly
Estrogen HRT Can Limit Plaque Accumulation In Arteries, Study Says
Release Of 'Sicko' Places Democratic Presidential Candidates In Difficult Position
Cedars-Sinai Endocrine Researchers Discuss Gene That May Be Linked To Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Research Into Why Common Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Harm Intestines
Requiring HPV Vaccination For School-Age Girls For Upcoming School Year 'Too Soon,' Researcher Says
As Many As 1.2M Hospital Patients Infected With MRSA Annually, Study Finds
Nursing2007 Survey Report Reveals Improvements Needed In Infection Control
Organon's Once-A-Month Contraceptive Ring, NuvaRing® Completes European Authorization
Never Mind Dying Pain Free, They Should Be Living Pain Free
AMA Calls For Investigation Of Retail Health Clinics
Clinical Trial Confirms New Laxative Safe For Everyone, Including Elderly
Estrogen HRT Can Limit Plaque Accumulation In Arteries, Study Says
Release Of 'Sicko' Places Democratic Presidential Candidates In Difficult Position
Cedars-Sinai Endocrine Researchers Discuss Gene That May Be Linked To Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Research Into Why Common Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Harm Intestines
Requiring HPV Vaccination For School-Age Girls For Upcoming School Year 'Too Soon,' Researcher Says
Flatulence, or gas, is air formed in the intestines as food is being digested. Gas is passed through the rectum and can make a person feel bloated or experience abdominal pain or discomfort. Everyone has gas, and on average eliminate it about 14 times a day. Gas is made of odorless vapors, including carbon dioxide, nitrogen and hydrogen. The odor of gas comes from the bacteria in the large intestine that release gases like sulfur. Gas can make a person feel bloated or cause cramping in the abdominal area.
Gas can be caused by a number of things. Gas in the digestive tract comes from two places: swallowed air and the breakdown of certain undigested foods, not broken down naturally. Foods that are difficult to digest and often cause flatulence are carbohydrates, for example sugars, starches and fiber. Undigested food passes from the small intestine into the large intestine. In the large intestine, harmless bacteria break down the food producing certain gases, like hydrogen and carbon dioxide, and in some people methane. These gases exit the body through the rectum. Those people who produce methane do not necessarily produce more gas, or have different symptoms related to gas.
Food containing carbohydrates causes more gas, and foods with fat and protein cause less. The sugars that cause gas include raffinose, lactose and sorbitol. Raffinose, a complex sugar, is found in many vegetables including beans, cabbage, brussel sprouts, broccoli, asparagus and whole grains. Lactose, found in milk products, is the natural sugar found in milk. Lactose can also be found in some processed foods like bread, salad dressing and cereal. Research has shown that lactose intolerance is found more commonly among the African, Native American and Asian ethnicities. These people have lower levels of the enzyme, lactase, which develops in childhood.
Fructose is found in onions, artichokes, pears and wheat. It is also used to sweeten fruit and soft drinks. Sorbitol, is a natural sugar found in some fruits including apples, pears, prunes and peaches. Sorbitol is also an ingredient used as artificial sweetener in “sugar free” candy and diet foods.
Starches also cause gas. Starchy foods that can cause flatulence include corn, pasta, potatoes and wheat. These food items are not easily digested in the large intestine. Rice, however, does not cause gas. Lastly, fiber also can be a key cause of gas. There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble fiber. Water can easily break down soluble fibers, found in oat bran, beans, peas and most fruits. Soluble fibers are not broken down until the large intestine. The delay in digestion can cause gas. On the other hand, insoluble fiber produces little gas as it does not change in the digestion process through the intestines. This type of fiber can be found in wheat bran and some vegetables.
However, foods that cause gas in one person may not affect the other. Take notes on what causes you to have gas and avoid those foods. The bacteria in a person’s stomach which can destroy the gases, like hydrogen, vary from person to person. The balance of bacteria is a contributing factor to the amount of gas a person experiences. Gas can also be caused by swallowing air while eating. Eating or drinking too fast, chewing gum and smoking are all ways to swallow more air. Certain foods and swallowing air are two common ways to have flatulence. However, some people experience gas because of other more serious concerns. Lactose intolerance, or the intolerance of dairy products, can cause one to have excessive gas. Persons with irritable bowl syndrome, or IBS, also suffer from excessive gas. IBS is a chronic stomach disorder, and can worsen with increased stress. IBS is a complex disorder of the intestinal tract that causes disruption in bowel habits often resulting in constipation and diarrhea. Another more serious cause of flatulence is malabsorption problems. This is caused by a body’s inability to absorb or digest certain nutrients properly. Malabsorption is usually accompanied by diarrhea.
Cures and Treatment of Flatulence
To avoid gas, keep these few remedies in mind. Eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly. Relax while eating. Avoid the foods that cause discomfort as mentioned earlier like beans and carbonated drinks. Also, try taking a walk after eating for 10 or 15 minutes to increase digestion. It also helps to drink a soothing tea like chamomile or peppermint after a meal to avoid gas. Changing your diet can be a key way to avoid gas as well.
Over-the-counter medicines work well to cure excessive gas and prevent gas as well. Antacids and digestive enzymes are the most common nonprescription, over-the-counter remedies. Antacids contain simethicone, which combines with gas bubbles in the stomach to remove the gas.
For those who have problems digesting lactose, the enzyme lactase, can help and is also available over-the-counter. Taking or chewing lactose tablets is recommended before meals to help digest those foods while eating. Lactose-free milk products are also available, and can be a good solution to avoid gas. Another recommended remedy is Beano, which contains an enzyme to help digest sugar found in vegetables and beans. Beano is taken before meals as well. If you are having more chronic problems, it could be attributed to a more serious problem, like IBS, and you should see a doctor. Prescription medicines are available to tackle the excessive gas sometimes caused by IBS. You should call your physician if you are having other symptoms in addition to flatulence, like heartburn, intense abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and constipation.
Remember, flatulence is very common, and it is not life-threatening. While it may be unpleasant and embarrassing, there are ways to reduce the symptoms and prevent gas. Altering your diet is the best way to avoid gas. It is also helpful to use over-the-counter medicines that aid in digestion and reducing the amount of air swallowed. Also, a person’s enzyme levels tend to decrease with age, so gas may be a more persistent problem as a person ages. But a close eye on diet choices can be successful in the prevention of flatulence.
Gas can be caused by a number of things. Gas in the digestive tract comes from two places: swallowed air and the breakdown of certain undigested foods, not broken down naturally. Foods that are difficult to digest and often cause flatulence are carbohydrates, for example sugars, starches and fiber. Undigested food passes from the small intestine into the large intestine. In the large intestine, harmless bacteria break down the food producing certain gases, like hydrogen and carbon dioxide, and in some people methane. These gases exit the body through the rectum. Those people who produce methane do not necessarily produce more gas, or have different symptoms related to gas.
Food containing carbohydrates causes more gas, and foods with fat and protein cause less. The sugars that cause gas include raffinose, lactose and sorbitol. Raffinose, a complex sugar, is found in many vegetables including beans, cabbage, brussel sprouts, broccoli, asparagus and whole grains. Lactose, found in milk products, is the natural sugar found in milk. Lactose can also be found in some processed foods like bread, salad dressing and cereal. Research has shown that lactose intolerance is found more commonly among the African, Native American and Asian ethnicities. These people have lower levels of the enzyme, lactase, which develops in childhood.
Fructose is found in onions, artichokes, pears and wheat. It is also used to sweeten fruit and soft drinks. Sorbitol, is a natural sugar found in some fruits including apples, pears, prunes and peaches. Sorbitol is also an ingredient used as artificial sweetener in “sugar free” candy and diet foods.
Starches also cause gas. Starchy foods that can cause flatulence include corn, pasta, potatoes and wheat. These food items are not easily digested in the large intestine. Rice, however, does not cause gas. Lastly, fiber also can be a key cause of gas. There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble fiber. Water can easily break down soluble fibers, found in oat bran, beans, peas and most fruits. Soluble fibers are not broken down until the large intestine. The delay in digestion can cause gas. On the other hand, insoluble fiber produces little gas as it does not change in the digestion process through the intestines. This type of fiber can be found in wheat bran and some vegetables.
However, foods that cause gas in one person may not affect the other. Take notes on what causes you to have gas and avoid those foods. The bacteria in a person’s stomach which can destroy the gases, like hydrogen, vary from person to person. The balance of bacteria is a contributing factor to the amount of gas a person experiences. Gas can also be caused by swallowing air while eating. Eating or drinking too fast, chewing gum and smoking are all ways to swallow more air. Certain foods and swallowing air are two common ways to have flatulence. However, some people experience gas because of other more serious concerns. Lactose intolerance, or the intolerance of dairy products, can cause one to have excessive gas. Persons with irritable bowl syndrome, or IBS, also suffer from excessive gas. IBS is a chronic stomach disorder, and can worsen with increased stress. IBS is a complex disorder of the intestinal tract that causes disruption in bowel habits often resulting in constipation and diarrhea. Another more serious cause of flatulence is malabsorption problems. This is caused by a body’s inability to absorb or digest certain nutrients properly. Malabsorption is usually accompanied by diarrhea.
Cures and Treatment of Flatulence
To avoid gas, keep these few remedies in mind. Eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly. Relax while eating. Avoid the foods that cause discomfort as mentioned earlier like beans and carbonated drinks. Also, try taking a walk after eating for 10 or 15 minutes to increase digestion. It also helps to drink a soothing tea like chamomile or peppermint after a meal to avoid gas. Changing your diet can be a key way to avoid gas as well.
Over-the-counter medicines work well to cure excessive gas and prevent gas as well. Antacids and digestive enzymes are the most common nonprescription, over-the-counter remedies. Antacids contain simethicone, which combines with gas bubbles in the stomach to remove the gas.
For those who have problems digesting lactose, the enzyme lactase, can help and is also available over-the-counter. Taking or chewing lactose tablets is recommended before meals to help digest those foods while eating. Lactose-free milk products are also available, and can be a good solution to avoid gas. Another recommended remedy is Beano, which contains an enzyme to help digest sugar found in vegetables and beans. Beano is taken before meals as well. If you are having more chronic problems, it could be attributed to a more serious problem, like IBS, and you should see a doctor. Prescription medicines are available to tackle the excessive gas sometimes caused by IBS. You should call your physician if you are having other symptoms in addition to flatulence, like heartburn, intense abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and constipation.
Remember, flatulence is very common, and it is not life-threatening. While it may be unpleasant and embarrassing, there are ways to reduce the symptoms and prevent gas. Altering your diet is the best way to avoid gas. It is also helpful to use over-the-counter medicines that aid in digestion and reducing the amount of air swallowed. Also, a person’s enzyme levels tend to decrease with age, so gas may be a more persistent problem as a person ages. But a close eye on diet choices can be successful in the prevention of flatulence.
Half Sando incubators not working, says doctor
Ariti Jankie South Bureau
Saturday, June 23rd 2007
There are 14 incubators at the San Fernando General Hospital to treat newborn babies with problems. But if more than seven babies needed incubators, the hospital would be in a fix-that's because only seven are working.
There was also a lack of water and a shortage of nurses and doctors to look after the babies.
This was the picture painted yesterday by consultant paediatrician at the hospital's neo-natal unit, Dr Kerryn Brahim.
He said that a 6,000-gallon tank placed on the rooftop also fails to supply water due to faulty plumbing. The water shortage placed newborn babies at risk of contamination.
Brahim said there was a big improvement in infrastructure at the hospital, but maintenance was poor.
"It takes too long to have equipment repaired," he said, adding that a lack of incubators forced the nursing staff to provide a heat shield or double layers of clothing to keep the babies warm.
"The nurses are overworked and they have been doing as much work as they can. If things go wrong they are not to be blamed," Brahim added.
He pulled no punches as he related the problems faced on the ward, in light of the injuries suffered by baby Joshua Williams this week.
Brahim said the tissue burns on little Joshua's left foot could have been prevented.
"With sufficient staff the burn could at least have been minimised," Brahim said, adding that grafting would have to be done to the baby's foot.
The baby's mother, Marcia Marcano, of Guayaguayare, told the Express her baby's foot was burnt and his skin peeled off where tubes were attached to his body. She said Joshua, who was born with a congenital deformity of the intestine, weighed 11.5 pound at birth on May 4 but now weighs 6.01 pounds.
Brahim said baby Joshua was slowly recovering "hour by hour". He said the baby started vomiting after birth and was operated on to take out an affected segment of his bowel. The baby later developed adhesions (abnormal union of bodily tissues) and was sent back to surgery where a colostomy was done to reduce obstruction with the bowel opening out to the skin.
Saturday, June 23rd 2007
There are 14 incubators at the San Fernando General Hospital to treat newborn babies with problems. But if more than seven babies needed incubators, the hospital would be in a fix-that's because only seven are working.
There was also a lack of water and a shortage of nurses and doctors to look after the babies.
This was the picture painted yesterday by consultant paediatrician at the hospital's neo-natal unit, Dr Kerryn Brahim.
He said that a 6,000-gallon tank placed on the rooftop also fails to supply water due to faulty plumbing. The water shortage placed newborn babies at risk of contamination.
Brahim said there was a big improvement in infrastructure at the hospital, but maintenance was poor.
"It takes too long to have equipment repaired," he said, adding that a lack of incubators forced the nursing staff to provide a heat shield or double layers of clothing to keep the babies warm.
"The nurses are overworked and they have been doing as much work as they can. If things go wrong they are not to be blamed," Brahim added.
He pulled no punches as he related the problems faced on the ward, in light of the injuries suffered by baby Joshua Williams this week.
Brahim said the tissue burns on little Joshua's left foot could have been prevented.
"With sufficient staff the burn could at least have been minimised," Brahim said, adding that grafting would have to be done to the baby's foot.
The baby's mother, Marcia Marcano, of Guayaguayare, told the Express her baby's foot was burnt and his skin peeled off where tubes were attached to his body. She said Joshua, who was born with a congenital deformity of the intestine, weighed 11.5 pound at birth on May 4 but now weighs 6.01 pounds.
Brahim said baby Joshua was slowly recovering "hour by hour". He said the baby started vomiting after birth and was operated on to take out an affected segment of his bowel. The baby later developed adhesions (abnormal union of bodily tissues) and was sent back to surgery where a colostomy was done to reduce obstruction with the bowel opening out to the skin.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Superbug may strike 5 percent of hospital, nursing home patients
Story Highlights• Study: Drug-resistant staph may hit 5 percent of hospital, nursing home patients• New figure is 10 times rate of some previous estimates• Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus responds to few antibiotics
ATLANTA, Georgia (AP) -- A dangerous, drug-resistant staph germ may be infecting as many as 5 percent of hospital and nursing home patients, according to a comprehensive study.
At least 30,000 U.S. hospital patients may have the superbug at any given time, according to a survey released Monday by the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology.
The estimate is about 10 times the rate that some health officials had previously estimated.
Some federal health officials said they had not seen the study and could not comment on its methodology or its prevalence. But they welcomed added attention to the problem.
"This is a welcome piece of information that emphasizes that this is a huge problem in health care facilities, and more needs to done to prevent it," said Dr. John Jernigan, an epidemiologist with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
At issue is a superbug known as Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, which cannot be tamed by certain common antibiotics. It is associated with sometimes-horrific skin infections, but it also causes blood infections, pneumonia and other illnesses.
The potentially fatal germ, which is spread by touch, typically thrives in health care settings where people have open wounds. But in recent years, "community-associated" outbreaks have occurred among prisoners, children and athletes, with the germ spreading through skin contact or shared items such as towels.
Past studies have looked at how common the superbug is in specific patient groups, such as emergency-room patients with skin infections in 11 U.S. cities, dialysis patients or those admitted to intensive care units in a sample of a few hundred teaching hospitals.
It's difficult to compare prevalence estimates from the different studies, experts said, but the new study suggests the superbug is eight to 11 times more common than some other studies have concluded.
Study was larger, more diverse
The new study was different in that it sampled a larger and more diverse set of health care facilities. It also was more recent than other studies, and it counted cases in which the bacterium was merely present in a patient and not necessarily causing disease.
The infection control professionals' association sent surveys to its more than 11,000 members and asked them to pick one day from Oct. 1 to Nov. 10, 2006, to count cases of the infection. They were to turn in the number of all the patients in their health care facilities who were identified through test results as infected or colonized with the superbug.
The final results represented 1,237 hospitals and nursing homes _ or roughly 21 percent of U.S. inpatient health care facilities, association officials said.
The researchers concluded that at least 46 out of every 1,000 patients had the bug.
There was a breakdown: About 34 per 1,000 were infected with the superbug, meaning they had skin or blood infections or some other clinical symptom. And 12 per 1,000 were "colonized," meaning they had the bug but no illness.
Most of the patients were identified within 48 hours of hospital admission, which means, the researchers believe, that they didn't have time to become infected to the degree that a test would show it. For that reason, the researchers concluded that about 75 percent of patients walked into the hospitals and nursing homes already carrying the bug.
"They acquired it in a previous stay in health care facility, or out in the community," said Dr. William Jarvis, a consulting epidemiologist and former CDC officials who led the study.
The infection can be treated with other antibiotics. Health care workers can prevent spread of the bug through hand-washing and equipment decontamination, and by wearing gloves and gowns and by separating infected people from other patients.
The study is being presented this week at the association's annual meeting in San Jose, California, but has not been submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed medical journal.
Source CNN
ATLANTA, Georgia (AP) -- A dangerous, drug-resistant staph germ may be infecting as many as 5 percent of hospital and nursing home patients, according to a comprehensive study.
At least 30,000 U.S. hospital patients may have the superbug at any given time, according to a survey released Monday by the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology.
The estimate is about 10 times the rate that some health officials had previously estimated.
Some federal health officials said they had not seen the study and could not comment on its methodology or its prevalence. But they welcomed added attention to the problem.
"This is a welcome piece of information that emphasizes that this is a huge problem in health care facilities, and more needs to done to prevent it," said Dr. John Jernigan, an epidemiologist with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
At issue is a superbug known as Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, which cannot be tamed by certain common antibiotics. It is associated with sometimes-horrific skin infections, but it also causes blood infections, pneumonia and other illnesses.
The potentially fatal germ, which is spread by touch, typically thrives in health care settings where people have open wounds. But in recent years, "community-associated" outbreaks have occurred among prisoners, children and athletes, with the germ spreading through skin contact or shared items such as towels.
Past studies have looked at how common the superbug is in specific patient groups, such as emergency-room patients with skin infections in 11 U.S. cities, dialysis patients or those admitted to intensive care units in a sample of a few hundred teaching hospitals.
It's difficult to compare prevalence estimates from the different studies, experts said, but the new study suggests the superbug is eight to 11 times more common than some other studies have concluded.
Study was larger, more diverse
The new study was different in that it sampled a larger and more diverse set of health care facilities. It also was more recent than other studies, and it counted cases in which the bacterium was merely present in a patient and not necessarily causing disease.
The infection control professionals' association sent surveys to its more than 11,000 members and asked them to pick one day from Oct. 1 to Nov. 10, 2006, to count cases of the infection. They were to turn in the number of all the patients in their health care facilities who were identified through test results as infected or colonized with the superbug.
The final results represented 1,237 hospitals and nursing homes _ or roughly 21 percent of U.S. inpatient health care facilities, association officials said.
The researchers concluded that at least 46 out of every 1,000 patients had the bug.
There was a breakdown: About 34 per 1,000 were infected with the superbug, meaning they had skin or blood infections or some other clinical symptom. And 12 per 1,000 were "colonized," meaning they had the bug but no illness.
Most of the patients were identified within 48 hours of hospital admission, which means, the researchers believe, that they didn't have time to become infected to the degree that a test would show it. For that reason, the researchers concluded that about 75 percent of patients walked into the hospitals and nursing homes already carrying the bug.
"They acquired it in a previous stay in health care facility, or out in the community," said Dr. William Jarvis, a consulting epidemiologist and former CDC officials who led the study.
The infection can be treated with other antibiotics. Health care workers can prevent spread of the bug through hand-washing and equipment decontamination, and by wearing gloves and gowns and by separating infected people from other patients.
The study is being presented this week at the association's annual meeting in San Jose, California, but has not been submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed medical journal.
Source CNN
Sicko ~ Getting Away With Murder

Sicko Getting Away With Murder
"They are getting away with murder."
-- Michael Moore (AUDIO VIDEO: Low, High)
Batten the Hatches
Amerigroup Corp.'s chairman and chief executive, Jeff McWaters, says 'SiCKO' is a "headline risk" for the health insurance industry overall
$2,100,000,000,000 Per Year

Sicko now in NYC the film opens June 29th... EVERYWHERE
"...the writer-director's most effective provocation yet."
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-- FOX News
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Complex Abdomino-Pelvic & Pain Syndrome
It's not just....
Pelvic Pain
Interstitial cystitis
Irritable bowel syndrome
Complex Abdomino-Pelvic & Pain Syndrome
Welcome to the International Society for Complex Abdomino-Pelvic & Pain Syndrome. (ISCAPPS).
ISCAPPS was formed as a result of the work done by Dr. Wiseman and the thousands of patients who visited the International Adhesions Society (www.adhesions.org).
Initially we looked at the problem of adhesions and saw that it was really a problem of a set of symptoms which we termed "Adhesions Related Disorder" or ARD.
Our more recent work has led to the realisation that adhesions and ARD are part of a wider set of overlapping and coalescing conditions including ENDOMETRIOSIS, Pelvic Pain, Interstitial Cystitis (IC), Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and even fibromyalgia.
We now understand that a patient presenting with say chronic pelvic pain, may very well have, or develop bowel and bladder problems, as well as psycho-social issues that develop as a result of their condition.
Attempting to treat these conditions as separate entities for the most part is an exercise in frustration. Although they may start out as separate conditions, they end up as essentially one condition - CAPPS.
What is needed is a multi-disciplinary and integrated or holistic approach. And to start we need to understand these individual conditions in the context of a family of conditions to which they belong.
Once we understand the disease we can begin on its prevention and treatment.
Accordingly we have coined the term:
Complex Abdomino-Pelvic & Pain Syndrome
and established an internet-based society:
International Society for Complex Abdomino-Pelvic & Pain Syndrome.
For more information please contact Dr. David Wiseman
Our first task has been to develop the world's first clinic for the integrated diagnosis and treatment of CAPPS in conjunction with a major hospital group in Florida.
Much Thanks to Dr. Wiseman for all he does!
Pelvic Pain
Interstitial cystitis
Irritable bowel syndrome
Complex Abdomino-Pelvic & Pain Syndrome
Welcome to the International Society for Complex Abdomino-Pelvic & Pain Syndrome. (ISCAPPS).
ISCAPPS was formed as a result of the work done by Dr. Wiseman and the thousands of patients who visited the International Adhesions Society (www.adhesions.org).
Initially we looked at the problem of adhesions and saw that it was really a problem of a set of symptoms which we termed "Adhesions Related Disorder" or ARD.
Our more recent work has led to the realisation that adhesions and ARD are part of a wider set of overlapping and coalescing conditions including ENDOMETRIOSIS, Pelvic Pain, Interstitial Cystitis (IC), Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and even fibromyalgia.
We now understand that a patient presenting with say chronic pelvic pain, may very well have, or develop bowel and bladder problems, as well as psycho-social issues that develop as a result of their condition.
Attempting to treat these conditions as separate entities for the most part is an exercise in frustration. Although they may start out as separate conditions, they end up as essentially one condition - CAPPS.
What is needed is a multi-disciplinary and integrated or holistic approach. And to start we need to understand these individual conditions in the context of a family of conditions to which they belong.
Once we understand the disease we can begin on its prevention and treatment.
Accordingly we have coined the term:
Complex Abdomino-Pelvic & Pain Syndrome
and established an internet-based society:
International Society for Complex Abdomino-Pelvic & Pain Syndrome.
For more information please contact Dr. David Wiseman
Our first task has been to develop the world's first clinic for the integrated diagnosis and treatment of CAPPS in conjunction with a major hospital group in Florida.
Much Thanks to Dr. Wiseman for all he does!
Daniel Kruschinski's next book = A new experience...
A New Adventure for Kruschinski....now we will be reading that he is "teleconsulting" all over the world!
What you read here tells you the low class "surgeons" who associate themselves with these "congress's!" Of course, we all know that Maher and Kru are, well buddy's, so like Mettler, he has Kru in his pocket! Probably because Kru has something over him and even if Mahr wanted to disassociate himself from Kru, he couldn't!

The picture of Pete Maher Kruschinski kept in his office..an 8X10 no less!
For the "Indian Association of Gynecologic Endoscopy" to have a criminal like Kruschinski listed in your membership roster and then give him coverage in a congress publicity post is sheer lunacy as all it does is bring the whole congress to a lower level and does nothing for the "professionalism" of everyone else there!
Is it a wonder they have no decent medical care in that country!
Looks to IHRT like Mahr will only bring the ISGE even further down then Reich did...at least it looks like a good start in that direction!
Put these two on the "list" of Kruschinski "buddies...meaning that in IHRTs opinion, they are as unethical as he is is they are aligned with him!
Dr. Peter Maher,
Dr. Arnaud Wattiez (France)
Dr. Arnaud Wattiez (France)
A new experience...by D. Kruschinski
Posted Sunday, June 24, 2007 @ 03:09 AM
Friday I had for the first time a lecture transmitted via Satelite to Ahmedabad, India at the IAGE2007 congress (Indian Association of Gynecologic Endoscopy). http://www.iage2007.com/scientific1.html. It was a new experience for me, not to be there and to lecture by satelite. Anyway, as I have many friends in India and were siting the audience, I could feel a very good interaction, even if I wasn't there. Such Satelite-Live-Video-Conference might be helpfull in future congresses as the organising comitte can save money for travels of the speakers and the lecturers can save time. http://www.iage2007.com/faculty.html
Best regards --------------------Daniel Kruschinski, MD EndoGyn.com, Adhesions.de, Hysterectomy.de, Fibroids.de, Endometriosis.de, Lift-laparoscopy.com © by EndoGyn Ltd. http://www.endogynserver.com/cgi-bin/210/cutecast.pl?session=F1aC0H7yumfCpTJiMH6PTdQH09&forum=2&thread=6403
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Adhesions Clinical Trials
from www.clinicaltrials.gov Search term, "Adhesions"
37 studies were found.
DuraGen Plus® Adhesion Barrier for Use in Spinal SurgeryConditions: Spinal Injuries; Adhesions
Pregabalin for Abdominal Pain From AdhesionsConditions: Abdominal Pain; Surgical Adhesions
Collagenase in the Treatment of Zone II Flexor Tendon Adhesions in the HandCondition: Hand Zone II Flexor Tendon Adhesions
Pediatric Multicenter Study of REPEL-CVCondition: Adhesions
Use of G-CSF to Obtain Blood Cell PrecursorsConditions: Chronic Granulomatous Disease; Healthy; Immunologic Disease; Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency Syndrome; Severe Combined Immunodeficiency
Determination of Lymphocyte JAM-C Expression in Patients With Psoriasis VulgarisConditions: Psoriasis; Psoriasis Vulgaris
Effect of Exercise and Diet on Inflammation in Hypertensive IndividualsCondition: Hypertension
Blood Factors and Diabetic RetinopathyCondition: Diabetic Retinopathy
Evaluation of Patients With Immune Function AbnormalitiesCondition: Immune System Diseases
Not yet recruiting
Oxidative Stress Lowering Effect of Simvastatin and Atorvastatin.Conditions: Diabetes Mellitus; Hypertension
Irbesartan/Hydrochlorothiazide National Taiwan University Hospital ListingCondition: Hypertension
Familial Mediterranean Fever and Related Disorders: Genetics and Disease CharacteristicsCondition: Periodic Disease
Combination Chemotherapy After Surgery in Treating Patients With Stage I, Stage II, or Stage III Breast CancerCondition: Breast Cancer
Study of the Arachidonate 5-Lipoxygenase Enzyme in Affecting the Risk for Coronary Heart DiseaseCondition: Coronary Heart Disease
Collagenase in the Treatment of Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder)Conditions: Adhesive Capsulitis; Frozen Shoulder
Study of the Composition of Dental PlaqueConditions: Dental Caries; Dental Plaque; Periodontal Disease
Genetic Factors in Age-Related Macular DegenerationCondition: Macular Degeneration
Efalizumab to Treat UveitisConditions: Uveitis; Intraocular Inflammatory Diseases
Raptiva to Treat Sjogren's SyndromeCondition: Sjogren's Syndrome
Value of CT-Scan and Oral Gastrografin in the Management of Post Operative Small Bowel ObstructionCondition: Small Bowel Obstruction
Not yet recruiting
To Study the Safety and Effectiveness of a Granisetron Patch to Treat Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting (CINV)Condition: Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting
A Study Evaluating the Safety, Effectiveness, and Pharmacokinetics of Transdermal Oxybutynin in Treating Overactive Bladder Associated With a Neurological ConditionCondition: Detrusor Hyperreflexia
LVHR Multicenter StudyCondition: Ventral and Ventral Insicional Hernia
Donor Stem Cell Transplantation for Congenital ImmunodeficienciesConditions: MUD Transplant; AlloPBSC; Congenital Immunodeficiencies; HLA Matched Transplant; BMT
Comparison of Two Different Diets on Health OutcomesCondition: Metabolic Syndrome X
Effectiveness of Aripiprazole for Improving Side Effects of Clozapine in the Treatment of People With SchizophreniaConditions: Schizophrenia; Insulin Resistance
Not yet recruiting
Impact of Pitavastatin in Hypercholesterolemic Patients With Metabolic SyndromeConditions: Metabolic Syndrome; Oxidative Stress; Inflammation
Efficacy and Safety Study of Miconazole Lauriad to Treat Oropharyngeal Candidiasis in HIV PatientsCondition: HIV Infections
Dairy Products and Metabolic Effects (Norwegian Part)Conditions: Metabolic Syndrome X; Heart Disease
A Safety Study of Two Intratumour Doses of Coxsackievirus Type A21 in Melanoma Patients.Condition: Stage IV Melanoma
Study of the Inflammatory Activity in Diabetic Patients With Stable Angina Treated With Simvastatin and EzetimibeConditions: Diabetes; Stable Angina
ETERNAL: European Trial About Effect of RimoNabant on Abdominal Obese Patients With dysLipidemiaConditions: Obesity; Dyslipidemias
A Pilot Study of the Mechanism of Synergism Between FP and Salmeterol in Preventing COPD ExacerbationsCondition: Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive
BB-10901 in Treating Patients With Relapsed or Refractory Solid TumorsConditions: Cervical Cancer; Gastrointestinal Carcinoid Tumor; Lung Cancer; Sarcoma; Unspecified Adult Solid Tumor, Protocol Specific
Not yet recruiting
Rosiglitazone and Metformin: Outcomes Trial in Nondiabetic Patients With Stable Coronary Syndromes (Romance) Pilot StudyCondition: Coronary Artery Disease
Study on the Efficacy and Mechanism of Cardiac Rehabilitation for Stem Cell Mobilization and Heart Failure ImprovementCondition: Myocardial Infarction
Detection and Characterization of Host Defense DefectsConditions: Immunologic Deficiency Syndrome; Infection
37 studies were found.
DuraGen Plus® Adhesion Barrier for Use in Spinal SurgeryConditions: Spinal Injuries; Adhesions
Pregabalin for Abdominal Pain From AdhesionsConditions: Abdominal Pain; Surgical Adhesions
Collagenase in the Treatment of Zone II Flexor Tendon Adhesions in the HandCondition: Hand Zone II Flexor Tendon Adhesions
Pediatric Multicenter Study of REPEL-CVCondition: Adhesions
Use of G-CSF to Obtain Blood Cell PrecursorsConditions: Chronic Granulomatous Disease; Healthy; Immunologic Disease; Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency Syndrome; Severe Combined Immunodeficiency
Determination of Lymphocyte JAM-C Expression in Patients With Psoriasis VulgarisConditions: Psoriasis; Psoriasis Vulgaris
Effect of Exercise and Diet on Inflammation in Hypertensive IndividualsCondition: Hypertension
Blood Factors and Diabetic RetinopathyCondition: Diabetic Retinopathy
Evaluation of Patients With Immune Function AbnormalitiesCondition: Immune System Diseases
Not yet recruiting
Oxidative Stress Lowering Effect of Simvastatin and Atorvastatin.Conditions: Diabetes Mellitus; Hypertension
Irbesartan/Hydrochlorothiazide National Taiwan University Hospital ListingCondition: Hypertension
Familial Mediterranean Fever and Related Disorders: Genetics and Disease CharacteristicsCondition: Periodic Disease
Combination Chemotherapy After Surgery in Treating Patients With Stage I, Stage II, or Stage III Breast CancerCondition: Breast Cancer
Study of the Arachidonate 5-Lipoxygenase Enzyme in Affecting the Risk for Coronary Heart DiseaseCondition: Coronary Heart Disease
Collagenase in the Treatment of Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder)Conditions: Adhesive Capsulitis; Frozen Shoulder
Study of the Composition of Dental PlaqueConditions: Dental Caries; Dental Plaque; Periodontal Disease
Genetic Factors in Age-Related Macular DegenerationCondition: Macular Degeneration
Efalizumab to Treat UveitisConditions: Uveitis; Intraocular Inflammatory Diseases
Raptiva to Treat Sjogren's SyndromeCondition: Sjogren's Syndrome
Value of CT-Scan and Oral Gastrografin in the Management of Post Operative Small Bowel ObstructionCondition: Small Bowel Obstruction
Not yet recruiting
To Study the Safety and Effectiveness of a Granisetron Patch to Treat Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting (CINV)Condition: Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting
A Study Evaluating the Safety, Effectiveness, and Pharmacokinetics of Transdermal Oxybutynin in Treating Overactive Bladder Associated With a Neurological ConditionCondition: Detrusor Hyperreflexia
LVHR Multicenter StudyCondition: Ventral and Ventral Insicional Hernia
Donor Stem Cell Transplantation for Congenital ImmunodeficienciesConditions: MUD Transplant; AlloPBSC; Congenital Immunodeficiencies; HLA Matched Transplant; BMT
Comparison of Two Different Diets on Health OutcomesCondition: Metabolic Syndrome X
Effectiveness of Aripiprazole for Improving Side Effects of Clozapine in the Treatment of People With SchizophreniaConditions: Schizophrenia; Insulin Resistance
Not yet recruiting
Impact of Pitavastatin in Hypercholesterolemic Patients With Metabolic SyndromeConditions: Metabolic Syndrome; Oxidative Stress; Inflammation
Efficacy and Safety Study of Miconazole Lauriad to Treat Oropharyngeal Candidiasis in HIV PatientsCondition: HIV Infections
Dairy Products and Metabolic Effects (Norwegian Part)Conditions: Metabolic Syndrome X; Heart Disease
A Safety Study of Two Intratumour Doses of Coxsackievirus Type A21 in Melanoma Patients.Condition: Stage IV Melanoma
Study of the Inflammatory Activity in Diabetic Patients With Stable Angina Treated With Simvastatin and EzetimibeConditions: Diabetes; Stable Angina
ETERNAL: European Trial About Effect of RimoNabant on Abdominal Obese Patients With dysLipidemiaConditions: Obesity; Dyslipidemias
A Pilot Study of the Mechanism of Synergism Between FP and Salmeterol in Preventing COPD ExacerbationsCondition: Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive
BB-10901 in Treating Patients With Relapsed or Refractory Solid TumorsConditions: Cervical Cancer; Gastrointestinal Carcinoid Tumor; Lung Cancer; Sarcoma; Unspecified Adult Solid Tumor, Protocol Specific
Not yet recruiting
Rosiglitazone and Metformin: Outcomes Trial in Nondiabetic Patients With Stable Coronary Syndromes (Romance) Pilot StudyCondition: Coronary Artery Disease
Study on the Efficacy and Mechanism of Cardiac Rehabilitation for Stem Cell Mobilization and Heart Failure ImprovementCondition: Myocardial Infarction
Detection and Characterization of Host Defense DefectsConditions: Immunologic Deficiency Syndrome; Infection
I don't want my baby to die
Mom pleads for help...
Ariti Jankie South Bureau
Friday, June 22nd 2007
BABY Joshua Williams weighed 11.5 pounds at birth on May 4, but now he weighs 6.01 pounds and is in critical condition fighting for his life at hospital.
Williams was born with a congenital deformity of the intestine, doctors at the an Fernando General Hospital said.
As a result, tubes are attached to his tiny frame for feeding and he has been burned in the process.
His 25-year-old mother of Guayaguayare has been begging for medicine and medical supplies to keep her baby alive. "I don't want my baby to die," Maria Marcano cried.
She said up until April 18, she took an ultrasound at the hospital and was reassured that her baby was small but fine.
Marcano added that on April 26, a second ultrasound was taken which showed that something was wrong with the baby's bowel. She said she was admitted to the ward on May 2 and labour was induced on May 4. She said: "I could not have the baby naturally and he had to be pulled out of me."
She believes the difficult delivery could have affected the baby.
She claimed that at birth the baby was not breathing and he was rushed into the nursery. "The next time I saw my son, he was in an incubator with tubes all over him," she said. It was then, she was told that the baby's intestines were not formed properly.
The baby had his first surgery the day after he was born. Two weeks later his stomach began to swell. He could not eat or drink.
Hospital Acting hospital Medical Director Dr Anand Chatoorgoon said the baby's foot was burned by the formula with which he was fed. He said the critical issue was not the tissue burns since that was being looked after by a plastic surgeon, but the problem was with the intestines.
Describing the child as "very sick," Chatoorgoon said the baby could not be fed through the mouth or stomach, so doctors had to feed him through the veins or he would die. "Sometimes in an intravenous feeding, as it was in this case, the feeding solution leaks out from the veins into the surrounding tissues. That is how this baby suffered the tissue burns," said Chatoorgoon.
He stressed that the burns could not be helped, because that is the only way that the baby can be fed.
In an interview with TV6 News last night, Marcano said she was told by a nurse her baby suffered tissue burns because the feeding solution leaked out.
Meanwhile, the mother said she was depending on charity to travel daily from Guayaguayare and to buy medicine for the baby.
Marcano who is diabetic and suffers with rheumatic fever, also has a two year daughter Akela .
The single parent is begging Health Minister John Rahael to intervene and make treatment available "to keep my baby alive."
Meanwhile, Dr Kerryn Brahim, consultant paediatrician at the neo-natal unit, confirmed that the baby suffered a congenital deformity of the intestine. He said that the baby started vomiting after birth and was operated upon to take out the affected segment of the bowel.
"The surgery went well," until the baby started vomiting again. He had developed adhesions (abnormal union of bodily tissues) which sent the surgeons back to operate again. A colostomy (a surgical operation that creates an opening from the colon to the surface of the body to function as an anus) was done to reduce obstruction, with the bowel opening out to the skin.
Brahim said that the baby continued to have problems with absorbing nutrition and has been feeding on intravenous fluids. The baby was starved for about 10 days to give the bowel a chance to heal.
Doctors described the baby's condition as critical.
Ariti Jankie South Bureau
Friday, June 22nd 2007
BABY Joshua Williams weighed 11.5 pounds at birth on May 4, but now he weighs 6.01 pounds and is in critical condition fighting for his life at hospital.
Williams was born with a congenital deformity of the intestine, doctors at the an Fernando General Hospital said.
As a result, tubes are attached to his tiny frame for feeding and he has been burned in the process.
His 25-year-old mother of Guayaguayare has been begging for medicine and medical supplies to keep her baby alive. "I don't want my baby to die," Maria Marcano cried.
She said up until April 18, she took an ultrasound at the hospital and was reassured that her baby was small but fine.
Marcano added that on April 26, a second ultrasound was taken which showed that something was wrong with the baby's bowel. She said she was admitted to the ward on May 2 and labour was induced on May 4. She said: "I could not have the baby naturally and he had to be pulled out of me."
She believes the difficult delivery could have affected the baby.
She claimed that at birth the baby was not breathing and he was rushed into the nursery. "The next time I saw my son, he was in an incubator with tubes all over him," she said. It was then, she was told that the baby's intestines were not formed properly.
The baby had his first surgery the day after he was born. Two weeks later his stomach began to swell. He could not eat or drink.
Hospital Acting hospital Medical Director Dr Anand Chatoorgoon said the baby's foot was burned by the formula with which he was fed. He said the critical issue was not the tissue burns since that was being looked after by a plastic surgeon, but the problem was with the intestines.
Describing the child as "very sick," Chatoorgoon said the baby could not be fed through the mouth or stomach, so doctors had to feed him through the veins or he would die. "Sometimes in an intravenous feeding, as it was in this case, the feeding solution leaks out from the veins into the surrounding tissues. That is how this baby suffered the tissue burns," said Chatoorgoon.
He stressed that the burns could not be helped, because that is the only way that the baby can be fed.
In an interview with TV6 News last night, Marcano said she was told by a nurse her baby suffered tissue burns because the feeding solution leaked out.
Meanwhile, the mother said she was depending on charity to travel daily from Guayaguayare and to buy medicine for the baby.
Marcano who is diabetic and suffers with rheumatic fever, also has a two year daughter Akela .
The single parent is begging Health Minister John Rahael to intervene and make treatment available "to keep my baby alive."
Meanwhile, Dr Kerryn Brahim, consultant paediatrician at the neo-natal unit, confirmed that the baby suffered a congenital deformity of the intestine. He said that the baby started vomiting after birth and was operated upon to take out the affected segment of the bowel.
"The surgery went well," until the baby started vomiting again. He had developed adhesions (abnormal union of bodily tissues) which sent the surgeons back to operate again. A colostomy (a surgical operation that creates an opening from the colon to the surface of the body to function as an anus) was done to reduce obstruction, with the bowel opening out to the skin.
Brahim said that the baby continued to have problems with absorbing nutrition and has been feeding on intravenous fluids. The baby was starved for about 10 days to give the bowel a chance to heal.
Doctors described the baby's condition as critical.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Sicko available for free
Michael Moore's latest has been leaked on the web. (via a reader tip)
Michael Moore is happy about the piracy of his movie and approves the downloads, leading some to believe he did it on purpose
Watch now on goggle video here is the link.
Click here
Approx. 2 hr 3 min.
As a chronically ill person I was shocked , I cried, was outraged, but in the end I was left with a sense of hope.
If you are uninsured, underinsured or fully insured, if you can't afford the meds or treatments suggested by your doctor, it is a must see film! You can't afford not to. Your insurance comapany would rather you did'nt!
Raves a Cannes!
Perhaps a movie that can change our world?
Watch it now, as I am surprised it is still online.
Wishing you good health.
If only ths film had been mainstreamed in time perhaps Edith Isabel Rodriguez would be alive today.
Michael Moore is happy about the piracy of his movie and approves the downloads, leading some to believe he did it on purpose
Watch now on goggle video here is the link.
Click here
Approx. 2 hr 3 min.
As a chronically ill person I was shocked , I cried, was outraged, but in the end I was left with a sense of hope.
If you are uninsured, underinsured or fully insured, if you can't afford the meds or treatments suggested by your doctor, it is a must see film! You can't afford not to. Your insurance comapany would rather you did'nt!
Raves a Cannes!
Perhaps a movie that can change our world?
Watch it now, as I am surprised it is still online.
Wishing you good health.
If only ths film had been mainstreamed in time perhaps Edith Isabel Rodriguez would be alive today.
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