What you read here tells you the low class "surgeons" who associate themselves with these "congress's!" Of course, we all know that Maher and Kru are, well buddy's, so like Mettler, he has Kru in his pocket! Probably because Kru has something over him and even if Mahr wanted to disassociate himself from Kru, he couldn't!

The picture of Pete Maher Kruschinski kept in his office..an 8X10 no less!
For the "Indian Association of Gynecologic Endoscopy" to have a criminal like Kruschinski listed in your membership roster and then give him coverage in a congress publicity post is sheer lunacy as all it does is bring the whole congress to a lower level and does nothing for the "professionalism" of everyone else there!
Is it a wonder they have no decent medical care in that country!
Looks to IHRT like Mahr will only bring the ISGE even further down then Reich did...at least it looks like a good start in that direction!
Put these two on the "list" of Kruschinski "buddies...meaning that in IHRTs opinion, they are as unethical as he is is they are aligned with him!
Dr. Peter Maher,
Dr. Arnaud Wattiez (France)
Dr. Arnaud Wattiez (France)
A new experience...by D. Kruschinski
Posted Sunday, June 24, 2007 @ 03:09 AM
Friday I had for the first time a lecture transmitted via Satelite to Ahmedabad, India at the IAGE2007 congress (Indian Association of Gynecologic Endoscopy). http://www.iage2007.com/scientific1.html. It was a new experience for me, not to be there and to lecture by satelite. Anyway, as I have many friends in India and were siting the audience, I could feel a very good interaction, even if I wasn't there. Such Satelite-Live-Video-Conference might be helpfull in future congresses as the organising comitte can save money for travels of the speakers and the lecturers can save time. http://www.iage2007.com/faculty.html
Best regards --------------------Daniel Kruschinski, MD EndoGyn.com, Adhesions.de, Hysterectomy.de, Fibroids.de, Endometriosis.de, Lift-laparoscopy.com © by EndoGyn Ltd. http://www.endogynserver.com/cgi-bin/210/cutecast.pl?session=F1aC0H7yumfCpTJiMH6PTdQH09&forum=2&thread=6403
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