Adhesion Related Disorder, ARD, Capps, Abdominal Pain, Adhesions, adhesion-related disorders, complex abdominopelvic and pain syndrome, chronic pelvic pain, hysterectomy. Patient oriented database of information regarding all aspects of internal scar tissue, adhesions.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Breaking News..Endogyn Closes it's doors!
Daniel Kruschinski releived of his duties at Emma Klinik!
Endogyn Web Site ( English) remains dormant, like a ship settled on the bottom of the sea it shall remain that way forever more.
* All surgeries scheduled for Endogyn have been cancelled!
* 2007 ISGE meeting hosted by “Kru” cancelled!
* All “new” surgery sites “Kru” claimed to be opening, cancelled!
* “Kru” cannot perform surgery in other countries as he stated he would!
* “Kru” cannot perform surgery in other countries as he stated he would! *"Kru" had been dismissed from 5 prior medical centers before renting his office and medical space from Emma Klinik!
***All "research papers by "Kru" & "Shirli Homberg" (his wife) regarding CO2 causing adhesion formation have been proven to be without basis! (They have all been conveniently removed from the Endogyn web site too!)
“Kru” tells his "German" patients he will perform surgeries at another location in Germany, IHRT says, “Keep Him in Germany” as when they condone this kind of surgeon there, keep him there,however, IHRT cautions any US patient who might be considering following this surgeon (like a cult) for future surgeries, my God, think!
DO NOT trust any of “Kru’s” prior patients who make claims to well, those who made these claims, all of a sudden are NOT as well as they had portrayed themselves to be, male patients included! IF any patient to Endogyn was “cured” in a first trip there, is was due to them having a very minimal case of adhesions and of course the “Confluent Spraygel!"
"Kru's" crew has fallen with him, they have been silenced too!
Karen Steward once said that, "The TRUTH will prevail in the end," and it did!
IHRT agrees 100%
Helen Dynda is silenced and alone, had by "Kru!" So much for her and "Kru's"patient/Dr. relationship! "Knowledge IS Power" but only if you use it wisely, Helen!
Carolyn, Connie, Sally and Lisa, have all been had by "Kru" too, and if they only knew the whole story, they would know how he talked about them, as he talked about us!
Regarding “Kru’s” claims of performing a “gasless” procedure – in EVERY surgical procedure he ever did, even with the “Abdolift," he used CO2 to insufflate the abdomen of his patient!!! Check your op reports. There is no other way to "screw" the Abdolift into the abdomen unless it was already insulflated, if it were not so, organs would be easily punctured by it!
One final disclosure from the IHRT team...not once did we ever miss-represent anything we posted regarding Kruschisnki, never once did we embelish any issues, and not once did we ever not tell the truth! Our agenda did not change since it started in 2003, and it was never to promote any particular surgeon, but rather, to challenge others to seek the truth of Kruschinski and his "crew" and to be educated enough to know that the truth was never written or spoken from them!
This whole episode is a sad one, we rather many people were well from thier experiences in Endogyn, but it is not that way, and though justice is yet to be served on this man, and it will be, for now, and perhaps in the future, the lives of others have been spared because of both sides presenting thier issues, but with only one side being able to show the truth!
Dr. Kruschinski, Endogyn, Abdolift, Emma-Klinik Seligenstadt, Gasless laparoscopy, Adhesion Surgery at Endogyn Karl Storz
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Endogyn Collapsing
Endogyn’s message boards, both English and German, have been drastically revised, and curiously has removed much of what one might term, “ evidence” of culpability from posts that appear to put forth very ruthless methods of harvesting innocent, desperate and vulnerable persons afflicted with not only ARD, but other medical conditions, both female and male, and encompassing the globe!
IHRT wants to tell you that the material located in Endogyn that we, and others, have deemed important in making a case against “Kru,” and others, is NOT lost! ALL posts from 2003 – last week have been “cached” and are totally assessable to anyone who has a need to draw upon them! IHRT alone has stored hundreds of posts, and other material from Enbdogyn, as we are sure Endogyn has done with material in our web site, no issue to us at all.
It is also important for you to know that some of the most “*damning material” in Endogyn, to our surprise, remains. It is obvious that “Kru, “ and his “crew” is either not cognitive enough to realize it, or could simply be an oversight on their part, or perhaps, they are simply ignorant to what material can, and will, be used against him to show cause for fraud through miss-representation of services.
IHRT WILL be presenting more information on the “Infrastructure of Endogyn” under the direction of “Kru,” which will also let you get to know how he “operates.” Stay tuned as some real eye opening facts are coming out from those who were “victims” of “Kru!”
Update on some of the members of “Kru’s Crew!”
Leiza: Leiza spends lots of time pouring over the various web sites that have issues about surgery at Endogyn, patient operative reports, etc…after burning her candle at both ends trying to appease both the IHRT team and “Kru’s” crew, she now flounders alone, no place to sing her praises for “Kru” and no place to complain about him either, which of both she did!
Helen Dynda spends hundreds, if not thousands of minutes going over and over material in all of the ARD web sites we know if, both day and night she is “touring” these sites. What is funny is many times it appears that she is “queuing” her cohort in crime, “Kru” to links in the web sites, which he then immediately checks it out. Helen remains controlled by “Kru,” which she has said is a “good” patient/Dr. relationship! (Sic!)
“Kru,” is also spending lots and lots of hours going through the web sites, from the “archives” to recent material that portrays him to be everything that he is, a well polished “con artist!” He is so ruthless and repulsive that it makes me sick to even post his name, but post I will, if it means others will be saved from him!
Karen Steward: Both her web sites remain dormant; her voice has been silenced in Endogyn, as she alone was responsible for re-opening the issues surrounding Endogyn after it all went silent back in 2003. IHRT applauds her for waking this sleeping giant, as there was much to be shared if lives are to be spared the horrific operations and deceit coming out of Endogyn. Thank-you, Karen.
Though this is speculation only, nothing conclusive, but, IHRT has heard through the “ARD Grapevine” that her daughter, Melissa whom does not post herself, is looking to return to Endogyn for yet another surgery. If you recall, adhesions WERE found in her second look, however, IHRT is of the opinion that Melissa is NOT going to have another surgery at Endogyn, as there will not be an Endogyn to have it in!
(*Material that points to miss-representation of services at the International level, which is the level IHRT is most, interested, though we pray for the German women, and others, who have been hurt in the same ways many of us from the US have been by “Kru,” we are limited in the action we are taking as it encompasses only patients to Endogyn from the USA. However, we DO encourage any person, no matter the location, to express charges against this “Dr.” to any of the address’s we present in IHRT!)
As Nero once stood and watched Rome burn, so shall IHRT watch “Kru” and “Endogyn” burn, and with pleasure as when this happens, and it WILL happen, it will be because “Kru” himself self-destructed with lies, deceit, selfishness, and every other ruthless cell that pulses through his veins!
Want to try to get your money back? Want to be heard? Want to confront “Kru” with your issues? Think “Kru” has cheated you?
Want to help save others from this professional con artist?
Email me at: bnb@
Dr. Kruschinski, Endogyn, Abdolift, Emma-Klinik Seligenstadt, Gasless laparoscopy, Adhesion Surgery at Endogyn
Friday, June 23, 2006
Contacts for Medical Malpractice in Germany
ANY persons considering a "THIRD" look procedure at Endogyn, please go to these web sites:
At "IHRT" you are invited to ask your questions anonymously:
MANY, if not most of the adhesion patients to Endogyn have returned for multiple adhesiolysis procedures, only to remain in pain. Dr. Kruschinski claims that the adhesion, seen here, caused by the Abdolift, is something that he cannot stop as it is the last port at the end of the procedure, thus there is a 99% chance that you will go home with this adhesion!It has also been 100% determined that patients who returned to Endogyn, did in fact have adhesions that were NOT lysed in prior surgeries at Endogyn!
If YOU have pain, and had an adhesiolysis at Endogyn, Germany with Dr. Kruschinski, it is probably adhesions, but your most pressing issue is not the adhesions, but whether to return to this surgeon who makes claims to good to be true, because they are just that "claims"...don't make this mistake twice!
Anonymous said...
Thank you for providing this information. It is indeed sad that so many ARD sufferers went to Germany, not knowing the facts about there not being any long term follow-up information available from people who had gone before. It is obvious now that a lot of people had problems probably caused by the abdolift: adhesions not visible because the abdolift did not provide enough visibility, hernias or adhesions at the site of the abdolift insertion, etc.As for the victims of "scar revision" to reduce or eliminate neuropathic pain, they seem to be the most hurt by all of this.They were made worse, not better, and no surgery can help them now. They are doomed to spend the rest of their life in the hell of neuropathic pain, which does not respond even to opiods. Read "neuropathic pain" sites and you will see what I am talking about.People with adhesions have the option of going to other drs for spray gel. "All" they need is the money. Easy to say, when some have spent every cent already in repeat procedures at Endogyn. I mean REPEAT like three and four times.How about those people who have gone in 2006? How are they? They are not talking, except for Ruth, who it seems is headed for a third look.
Anonymous said...
I am one of those who went to Germany for scar revision for nueropathy. At that time, there was no web site ""I notice that currently, that web site, under the "special precedures" ,there is no mention of "scar revision for neuropathy" nor is there mention of any kind of scar revision.Dr. K. is NOT a specialist in revising scars that cause neuropathy, or in revising any kind of scars.I do not know WHY he told me he could resolve my problem. Why? Why? Is it really possible that a DR. who several people like so much could REALLY deliberately encourage pts. to come to him, pts. he KNOWS he cannot help? Don't tell me he tried to help me.I am thoroughly convinced that he had no intention of helping me. I really feel that he just told me to come there so he could get my money. He had no regard for my life.When I was thinking of going to Germany, I contacted Dr. K. by e-mail and within hours, he e-mailed back to me that he could resolve my problem. So I went there, so I spent$17,000 and now I am so much worse. I have empathy for all those others who feel they were tricked, conned, or deceived by this person. I have empathy for those who feel upset because their special Dr. is not universally held in high regard, and is in fact disdained by so many. But whatever his problems are now because of the facts being made public, I have no empathy for him.In my mind, he commmitted crimes against humans. Including me.
What do you think should or could be done as consequences for what you consider as the crimes he committed against you and others?Lose his medical license?Incarceration?
Anonymous said...
One might check into the German Medical Malpractice there, though not all doctors or facilities carry it. To register a complaint on Daniel Kruschinski or to inquire about malpractice coverage for the "Emma-Klinik," one can contact: Headquarter Seligenstadt"Institut fur EndoskopischeGynakologieSteinheimer Strasse 69(Rondell)63500 Seligenstadt am Main, GermanyYou can also share yopur story here on IHRT as in that, another with ARD might be spared your path to Endogyn!Thank YOu for beinhg honest enough to share the truth!
Anonymous said...
What good would writing to the Institute for Endoscopic Gynecology at Emma Clinic do? Dr. K. is the Director of that. so the mail would go to him. Do you have the address for a Doctors' Regulatory Board in Germany?Thanks
Anonymous said...
Here is a start as given to IHRT!
In order to practice medicine in Germany each doctor MUST register with the GMA if they are to "enjoy" legal privileges, including the right to prescribe medicines! THIS GMA number is the most precious means of identity to a doctor practicing in Germany and the UK! As things progress in the area of a mass law suit through the FTC, more and more patients to Endogyn are maiing themselves known, and thier experiences. It is more horrific them IHRT ever imagined!
It is NOT neccesary to secure "Kru's" seven digit GMC reference number, as they already have that, just send your operatives, costs and state what he promised you and the statistics he used in order to secure your money prior to doing your surgery!
Some patients having multiple operations at Endogyn have spent up to $64,000.00 and are still suffering adhesion symptoms being that adhesions WERE found at each consequative adhesiolysis AFTER "Kru" told the patient that they were "adhesion free" post op of each surgery! (This should answer Ruth's question regarding a 3rd surgery with Kru!)
German Medical Association-Email:
Regulating Doctors in Germany & UK....
General Medical Council: to register/registration/Competent Authorities in Germany.asp
It is still wise to send your complaints to Emma Klinik as "Kru" doesn't own that and does have authorities above him there who call the shots! More to come about the future of "Endogyn!"(Or maybe we sghould say, "the end " of the future for Endogyn!)
Daniel Kruschinski, MD,,,,,, Abdolift, Emma-Klinik Seligenstadt, Gasless laparoscopy, Adhesion Surgery at Endogyn
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
URGENT NOTICE! 3rd Looks at Endogyn
At "IHRT" you are invited to ask your questions anonymously

MANY, if not most of the adhesion patients to Endogyn have returned for multiple adhesiolysis procedures, only to remain in pain. Dr. Kruschinski claims that the adhesion, seen here, caused by the Abdolift, is something that he cannot stop as it is the last port at the end of the procedure, thus there is a 99% chance that you will go home with this adhesion!
It has also been 100% determined that patients who returned to Endogyn, did in fact have adhesions that were NOT lysed in prior surgeries at Endogyn!
If YOU have pain, and had an adhesiolysis at Endogyn, Germany with Dr. Kruschinski, it is probably adhesions, but your msot pressing issue is not the adhesions, but whether to return to this surgeoin who makes claims to good to be true, becuaue they are just that...don't make this mistake twice!
Daniel Kruschinski, MD,,,,,, Abdolift, Emma-Klinik Seligenstadt, Gasless laparoscopy, Adhesion Surgery at Endogyn
Where the Best Surgeons in the World Perform Adhesiolysis
Where ONLY the best in the world perform endoscopic surgery!Surgeries are being performed with the use of:
Confluent SprayGel Adhesion Barrier
Excellent Endoscopic Surgeons
Excellent Care
Easy Travel for Patients from the USA
US Currency
English Language
Recuperation on "Tropical Beaches with Warm Sand
"Dr. Harry Reich will be there in July for patients who prefer his adhesiolysis technique!
Toll Free: 1-877-527-7874
Tel: 570-674-2256
Fax: 570-674-2263
Education: Laparoscopy is a way of access not a technique (H. Reich)
Dr. Reich keeps his word for ARD Education and Awareness as 2006 President of the ISGE!
LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY FOR ADHESIOLYSIS Harry Reich, M.D., F.A.C.O.G., FACS Postoperative adhesions occur after almost every abdominal surgery and are the leading cause of intestinal obstruction. Over 90% of patients undergoing abdominal operations will develop postsurgical adhesions. This was not considered surprising, given the extreme delicacy of the peritoneum and the fact that apposition of two injured surfaces nearly always results in adhesion formation.1 For the surgeon, laparoscopic lysis of bowel adhesions is fraught with danger to his/her reputation as bad results often are accompanied by poor reimbursement and lawsuits. This surgery is not for every surgeon...MORE:
PLUS: Message from President of ISGE:
Dr. Kruschinski, Endogyn, Abdolift, Emma-Klinik Seligenstadt, Gasless laparoscopy, Adhesion Surgery at Endogyn
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Social Security Benefits Questioned
Leiza Ann Hiltz-Scerbo can now walk 12 miles, work out at the gym everyday for three hours, walk 3-6 miles a day, AND has a job!
What is wrong with this picture?
She is also collecting "Social Security Disdability Benefits" for ARD realted issues!
While most who are afflicted with the same issues are fighting for benefits from SSA, and cannot pay for trips to Germany, for a surgery such as Leiza had to cure her...yet, it appears that Leiza has it all!
Scerbo Violins
1-207-778-9654 or 1-207-512-2738justin@beeline-online.net293 West Mills Rd. Industry, Maine 04938
1-207-778-9654 or 1-207-512-2738
293 West Mills Rd. Industry, Maine 04938
Suggested Retail Price List
Maestro $650.00
Amati $900.00
Antonio $750.00 Specials
Luciano $1200.00..........................................$700.00!!!!
Concerto $750.00
Grande $1000.00
Master Art $1300.00
Model 300 $1400.00.........................................$900.00!!!!
(The above models are sold with a case and a bow. They are not sold set up, set up is an extra charge see shop services)
Academy $1500.00
Amadeus $2000.00
Soloist Strad $4000.00
Soloist Guarneri $4000.00......................................$2000.00!!!!!!
The above models are sold seperate with no case or bow as at this level the artist usually wishes to choose their own, but these models are sold fully set up.
If you wish to purchase any of the above models please contact me on the contact page, email, or call. I will be happy to direct you to our nearest distributor or if none are near you, I can ship direct.
Copyright © 2006 Leiza Ann Hiltz-Scerbo All rights reserved.
Dr. Kruschinski, Endogyn, Abdolift, Emma-Klinik Seligenstadt, Gasless laparoscopy, Adhesion Surgery at Endogyn
U.S. Social Security/Disability "Fraud??"
Here is the typical miss-representation that IHRT has been dealing with in regards to adhesiolysis in Endogyn! Posts say one thing, emails say another! Shame on you Leiza for doing exactly what Karen, Lisa, Sally, Carolyn and Connie, among others, have been doing for years to boost surgeries at Endogyn, which is lying! It is for this reason that IHRT will expose each and everything we find like this going on in Endogyn, as if we didn't, there would be many more persons taken gross advantage of by unscrupuous people such as we see posting in Endogyn!
There is nothing we can believe that this lady she is obviously a dishonest is no wonder she is so diligently backing persons like Karen, and others, who have committed this same injustices leading far to many to Endogyn for poor, exspensive adhesiolysis procedures that simply do not work for most of them!IHRT invites you to draw your own conclusions!From 2003 - 2006, this type of posting has not stopped yet! trust nothing you find in Endogyn to be the truth!
(More to come regarding the "German" Endogyn web site..simply amazing stuff in there!)Hiltz-Scerbo, Leiza Ann
Adhesiolysis via gasless laparoscopy with SprayGel,
AdhesionsSurgery Date: 11.02.2005
Gender: Female
Location: p.o. boxs 291
Registered: May 2005
Status: Offline
Posts: 23
Posted Wednesday, August 17, 2005 @ 01:14 PM
hi my name is Leiza and I had surgery in February for abdominal adhesions performed by Dr. Kruschinski. I know it has not been much time and I am still working on full recovery, but I am so much better off than before the surgery I just wanted to let others know that. Dr. Kruschinski did change my life. He gave me hope of unbelievable proportions! Thanks to Dr. Kruschinski for being the best and I pray he remains miles ahead of the rest. Have a Happy Day, I off to the gym, I work out everyday for at least two hours and run 3-6 miles a day. Before my trip to Germany I was signing up for Hospice care.....Big DIF....Lovinit!!!*******************************************************************
Gender: Female
Location: p.o. boxs 291
Registered: May 2005
Status: Offline
Posts: 23
Posted Monday, February 20, 2006 @ 02:34 AM
Hello everyone! I just wanted to say how thankful I am that Dr. Kruschinski accepted me as his patient and did such a wonderful job that I am alive to write this! It has been just over a year since my surgery and my body is able to function normally for the first time in years and he has greatly reduced the amount of pain I was in!!! I am so glad to hear others have found their way to Dr. Kruschinski, I have a great appreciation for his ability, his sincerity, and honesty. I go to other forums and send a note out to anyone asking for advise on who to choose for a surgeon to check out this site and talk to Dr. Kruschinski. I beleive in Dr. Kruschinski with all me heart and the more I learn of him, the more I admire him. Thanks for giving me a chance at life again! Love Leiza
Gender: Female
Location: p.o. boxs 291
Registered: May 2005
Status: Offline
Posts: 23
Posted Thursday, June 1, 2006 @ 05:55 AM
U.S. Social Security/Disability
In July 2004 I was granted Disability with U.S. Social Security with retro status back to the last day I could work in September 2002!!!! The decision was based on Adhesion Related Disorders, Chronic pain caused by multiple lysis of adhesions (14 surgeries by that time), and Chronic Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as a result of suffering from adhesions for so long. It took many years as you can see for the decision to be made and I never realized until now just what my case could mean to so many who are still fighting to prove their case. So I am posting this information for the first time publicly to let people know that there is hope for those who are still struggling to gain recgognition of their plite. The real hope, for relief that is, of this debilitating desease and its symptoms lies in the skilled hands of Dr. Kruschinski. Although he nor any other surgeon can reverse the damage done by so many of the invasive surgeries I have been subjected to, he has given me the most relief, the most hope for a better life, and the chance to be here right now and share this news. Before I met Dr. Kruschinski, I had given up on life, no surgeon in the U. S. that I contacted would work on me again (I was too much of a risk) and I was signed up hospice care and making my funeral arrangements. Last week I took a short walk with my son to enjoy the beauty of another sunny day. My son had asked me to just walk to the end of the road with him (right, he did not tell me how long the road is, but do we ever know the length of the road of life), we walked 12 miles and I did not even need a break! So if you are giving up, don't, just call Dr. Kruschinski, he will return your call promptly and you will be given a new life full of sunshine and hope!!!!
God bless him and his staff for their kind care and all you who are out there in need of a prayer!!!
Original Message -----
From: Leiza Scerbo
To: Beverly
Sent: Friday, June 02, 2006 7:00 PM
Subject: RE: Adhesions
Beverly, I have been reading your site deligently and it has made me want to ask you many questions. I am not into public screaming, and I was wondering if you would be receptive to answering me directly. There are days I have when I can not move at all due to complications that have arisen.
Dr. Kruschinski, Endogyn, Abdolift, Emma-Klinik Seligenstadt, Gasless laparoscopy, Adhesion Surgery at Endogyn
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Hot ADHESION News -The PAX Society
Hot Adhesion News!!!Koninckx Philippe R. ,12-04-2004
The PAX society:
Postoperative adhesions remain a major problem in health care. For the patients they cause pain, infertility and severe complications as bowel obstruction. For the government and the insurers the estimated costs are extremely high.Prevention of postoperative adhesions today is still limited although excellent products are becoming available
Internat. Meeting on The Peritoneal Cavity Adhesion formation
VIIth PAX meeting Leuven, Belgium 2006 Sept 28-30
Board PAX Society
Comment In the voting, Belgium and gynaecologists were probably over-represented. After consultation have been considered elected the 4 highest ranking surgeons and 5 gynaecologists. We wish to congratulate all the candidates and thank them for their support to PAX society by standing for election.
Overal statisticsTotal PAX Society mailing list: 4289 Number allowed to vote: 3891 (i.e. those registered before monday 19th of march).
Number who did vote : 143, or 3.68 % of all allowed to vote.
Total number of surgeons: 2369Total number of basic scientists: 115
Total number of gynaecologists 1540Total number of others 265
Final results
Candidate: Result
Adamian Leila 65 45.5 % (submitted) 1.7 % (total)
Angioni Stefano 42 29.4 % (submitted) 1.1 % (total)
Audebert Alain 65 45.5 % (submitted) 1.7 % (total)
Bhanuprasad Buparelia 11 7.7 % (submitted) 0.3 % (total)
Canis Michel 101 70.6 % (submitted) 2.6 % (total)
Coccia Maria Elisabetta 41 28.7 % (submitted) 1.1 % (total)
Crowe Alison 45 31.5 % (submitted) 1.2 % (total)
D'Hoore Andre 51 35.7 % (submitted) 1.3 % (total)
Diamond Mike 66 46.2 % (submitted) 1.7 % (total)
Dizerega Gere 68 47.6 % (submitted) 1.7 % (total)
Gomel Victor 77 53.8 % (submitted) 2.0 % (total)
Jeekel Hans 51 35.7 % (submitted) 1.3 % (total)
Koh Charles 47 32.9 % (submitted) 1.2 % (total)
Koninckx Philippe 122 85.3 % (submitted) 3.1 % (total)
Kruschinski Daniel 32 22.4 % (submitted) 0.8 % (total)
Mais 37 25.9 % (submitted) 1.0 % (total)
Miserez Marc 56 39.2 % (submitted) 1.4 % (total)
McVeigh Enda 48 33.6 % (submitted) 1.2 % (total)
Molinas Roger 80 55.9 % (submitted) 2.1 % (total)
Shalev Eliez 32 22.4 % (submitted) 0.8 % (total)
Van Der Wat Johan 44 30.8 % (submitted) 1.1 % (total)
Van Goor Harry 41 28.7 % (submitted) 1.1 % (total)
Verguts Jasper 65 45.5 % (submitted) 1.7 % (total)