Sunday, January 21, 2007


Life is tough. It is filled with injustices. You might seem that people don't care. I care. Look for places where you can find hope. Enclosed are a few articles that might encourage you. All things are passing. Have courage.
My little book of Hope has no pages. It is waiting to be written. Are there people out there wanting to write about Hope? There are people waiting to read about it. If we can save one person from killing themselves because they have lost Hope, then that is one person spared.
Click on the articles about Hope if you are in despair.

When you are struggling to get up a hill that is very difficult to climb... have courage and you will make it. Take time to pray and never lose hope no matter if you can't see the light through the fog. The sun will come and make everything bright again.

Everyone has their own journey that they are on and perhaps you would like to share your journey, too. We might be on the same train which is taking us through this life as unique souls that we are.
In Sr Pauline's new blog called, "The Journey" you can learn about what happened to me in my life and the importance of never giving up hope. Click here... THE JOURNEY

Please visit Sr Paulines Blog
Pathways To Hope ~ An Online Journal
PEOPLE WHO CARE ~ helping to make this a better world without regard to religion, color or class

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