Friday, April 14, 2006

Adhesions Can Cause Pain!!

Adhesions cause pain by binding normally separate organs and tissues together - essentially "tying them down."
The stretching and pulling of everyday movements can irritate the nerves involved. Some adhesions cause pain during intercourse (dyspareunia).
Adhesions cause inflammation.
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) is a non-specific blood test that will indicate if the patient is experiencing inflammation; however, the ESR cannot indicate the location of the inflammation. Adhesional attachment sites become agitated and inflamed due to the pulling and tugging by the adhesions on the tissues of the attached organs - and this will cause inflammation. Inflammation creates pain and must be taken into consideration by the doctor when treating the ARD sufferer for pain. While pelvic pain can be an obvious symptom of adhesions, there are other serious complications that you should be aware of. Two of the more common complications of adhesions are infertility and bowel obstruction. Adhesions can and do cause disabling pain - and loss of productivity. When you meet with your doctor, be prepared to discuss your symptoms with her/him. Be prepared - become your own best doctor! Adhesion formation - involving the bowel (intestine) - is particularly common following a hysterectomy. Occasionally, these adhesions can cause the bowel to kink and prevent the passage of digested food. A bowel obstruction can occur shortly after surgery - or many years later. Symptoms of bowel obstruction may include pain, nausea, and vomiting. A bowel obstruction is a serious illness that requires immediate medical attention. Even though the overall incidence of bowel obstruction is low, you should be aware of the possibility of its occurrence.
If left untreated, a bowel obstruction can lead to serious complications - even death.

Symptoms of bowel obstruction include: * abdominal pain * nausea * vomiting * diarrhea (early) * constipation (late) * fever. Be sure to talk to your doctor if you have any of these symptoms. If you have been trying unsuccessfully to conceive, you are probably searching for the cause. It’s important to understand that there are many conditions that can cause infertility; and you should talk to your doctor to determine whether your situation requires medical attention. Adhesions that form as a result of certain types of gynecologic surgery - especially tubal surgeries and myomectomies (surgery to remove fibroids) - are a common cause of infertility.

Adhesions can form between the ovaries, fallopian tubes or pelvic walls. These adhesions can block the passage of the ovum (an egg) from the ovaries into and through the fallopian tubes. Adhesions around the fallopian tubes can also interfere with sperm transport to the ovum. The good news is that infertility due to pelvic adhesions can be successfully treated in approximately 40% to 60% of women. However, the surgical procedure, adhesiolysis, can often lead to more adhesions. The best way to reduce the chance of adhesions forming and/or reforming is for your surgeon to learn the best interventional techniques used to reduce adhesion formation. The more a surgeon practices these techniques, the more skilled they will become.

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