Friday, April 14, 2006

Medical News ARDvark Blog ARD related

Lack of research 'patient risk'
Patients are suffering because not enough basic clinical research is being done, a senior doctor warns.

Scientists Suggest Alternative to Cox-2 Drugs
Stomach-safe pain relief without heart risks might be possible, research shows.

Incontinent girls may suffer overactive bladder later
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Women who had urinary problems as children are more likely to have overactive bladder as adults, a new study shows.

Half of young US adults lack insurance: survey
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Half of all young adults in the United States go without health insurance, and more than 15 million Americans were uninsured for four years running, according to a government survey published this week.

Delayed surgery decreases bladder cancer survival
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - For patients newly diagnosed with bladder cancer, delays of more than 3 months after the initial diagnosis to surgery results in decreased survival, a study shows.

Health Tip: Kick the Habit, for Good
Make a plan to quit smoking

Test Points to Aggressive Cervical Cancer
High tumor glucose uptake means poorer survival, researchers say

Many Researchers Break the Rules: Study
Pressures in and outside lab may be to blame, experts say.

MedImmune Begins Dosing Of Lupus Patients In Phase 1 Clinical Trial

The Corporate Sponsored Creation Of Disease Turns Healthy People Into Patients, Wastes Precious Resources, And Causes Iatrogenic Harm

Wall Street Journal Examines Boston Medical Center Program For Low-Income Children

A Jekyll And Hyde Of Cytokines: IL-25 Both Promotes And Limits Inflammatory Diseases

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